
Mayor’s Message: The Importance of Being Part of a Thriving Community

Red Deer Mayor Ken Johnston says belonging is fundamental to a thriving community

Hello Red Deerers, as Mayor of Red Deer, I have had the privilege of seeing first-hand the incredible impact that a sense of belonging can have on our community. Belonging is more than just feeling part of something; it is a fundamental human need that, when fulfilled, can lead to profound personal and community benefits. Today, I want to talk about the importance of belonging, the role that community associations and volunteering play in fostering this sense, and the positive impacts it has on our mental health, overall well-being, and the quality of life in our city.

Belonging is a deep need that transcends age, culture and background. It is about feeling accepted, valued and included in a community. When we belong to a community, we feel connected to those around us, and this connection is the foundation of a supportive and resilient society. A sense of belonging can provide individuals with a safety net, offering essential emotional and social support to overcome life’s challenges.

Community associations are at the heart of promoting belonging. These organizations create spaces where people can come together, share common interests, and build lasting relationships. That’s why I’ve declared 2024 as Community Association YearIn Red Deer, our community associations organize events, activities and programs that bring residents together, creating opportunities for connection and collaboration.

Another example is our local sports teams. They not only promote physical activity, but also encourage social interactions among participants. Similarly, our cultural and arts programs provide platforms for individuals to bond over shared passions, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. These groups provide a sense of identity and purpose, helping individuals feel rooted in their community.

Carolyn and I recently attended the year-end closing ceremony and awards for the Army, Air Force and Navy cadets. What wonderful organizations that foster belonging and opportunity for our city’s youth!

Volunteering is another effective way to foster belonging. When people dedicate their time and energy to helping others, they not only contribute to the community, but also develop a deeper connection with it. Volunteering provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and allows people to meet others who share their values ​​and interests.

Our local mentoring programs, community support initiatives and various volunteer-led events rely on the dedication of volunteers to make a difference. These programs provide advice, support and resources to people in need, helping them develop resilience and a sense of belonging. Volunteers become role models and sources of inspiration, demonstrating the positive impact that active participation can have on individuals and the community as a whole.

The benefits of belonging extend far beyond social connections. Many studies have shown that a strong sense of belonging is linked to better mental health and overall well-being. When individuals feel connected to their community, they experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The emotional support provided by a close-knit community can act as a buffer against life’s challenges, promoting mental resilience and stability.

In Red Deer, community support groups and wellness programs emphasize the importance of community when it comes to mental health. By bringing people together to share their stories and experiences, we create an environment where individuals feel understood and valued. This sense of belonging can be a lifeline for those struggling with mental health, providing them with the encouragement and support they need to thrive.

A community where everyone feels like they belong is a community that thrives. When individuals feel connected and valued, they are more likely to contribute positively to their environment. This sense of collective belonging improves a city’s overall quality of life, creating a vibrant and supportive environment for all residents.

Additionally, a strong sense of belonging fosters community pride. When people feel proud of their community, they are more likely to take an active role in its development and maintenance. This can lead to cleaner, safer and more attractive neighbourhoods, as well as increased civic engagement and participation. In Red Deer, we have seen how community pride can inspire residents to come together for initiatives such as neighbourhood cleanups, public art projects and local festivals, strengthening our community ties.

The positive effects of belonging extend beyond the individual and the community. A city where residents feel a strong sense of belonging is more likely to attract new residents, businesses and investment. The welcoming and inclusive atmosphere created by a connected community can enhance the city’s reputation, making it a great place to live, work and visit.

As we look to the future, it is essential that we continue to foster a sense of belonging in Red Deer. By supporting community associations, encouraging volunteerism and promoting inclusive initiatives, we can build a city where everyone feels valued and connected. This, in turn, will lead to a healthier, happier and more prosperous community for all.

Loneliness has become an epidemic in our country. Belonging is its most powerful antidote. The positive impacts on mental health, overall well-being and quality of life are profound, creating a ripple effect that benefits everyone. I am committed to continuing our efforts to foster belonging and build a community where everyone feels at home. Together, we can ensure Red Deer remains a place where every resident is valued, connected and proud to call home.

Ken Johnston is the mayor of Red Deer.