
The Universe has a specific message for 4 zodiac signs on June 29, 2024

With Saturn in retrograde on June 29, we may find ourselves thinking twice before we act. Our horoscope tells us that because of this planetary action, four zodiac signs may be hesitant to move forward. This could be a good thing, and it may just be the universe’s way of telling us to slow down.

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the momentum of something, especially if it feels good and seems positive. Yet with Saturn retrograde, we’ll have that extra moment to think about it before we take the plunge. Something happens Saturday that feels like an opportunity, but it may be something we’ll need to consider before we sign on the dotted line.

Four zodiac signs will receive a message from the universe on June 29, 2024.

1. Gemini

Kirill_Savenkö | Canva Pro

Saturn in retrograde is telling you to slow down. You’ll get the message in a very obvious way this Saturday, as you’ll be involved in something that will give you a good reason to take a break. It seems like the universe wants you to think before you act, just in case something is missing here.

Through this transit position in your astrological chart, Gemini, you will notice the universal message that seems to tell you that you are not seeing something and that you need to look closer. This is a special message, and you can only know what it really means, but you will understand it. This will serve you well.

What the universe has in store for you is a more comprehensive way of handling what’s on your mind right now. On June 29, you’ll notice that you’ve been neglecting an important but tiny detail. As Saturn is in retrograde, this detail will be seen and addressed, making the outcome much more ideal and optimal.

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2. Leo

Kirill_Savenkö | Canva Pro

Leo, you are about to receive a message from the universe that will stop you in your tracks. Get ready to open your mind so you can let this message sink in because during this very powerful transit Saturn is in retrograde and you will be surprised for all the right reasons.

You may be about to sign on the dotted line, but there’s something here you’re not seeing, and Saturn retrograde is screaming at you to open your eyes and take a closer look. It could literally be a contract that needs to be reviewed, or it could be something more personal, like whether or not you’re going out with a friend today. What happens during Saturn retrograde is that you need to think twice.

It’s that simple, and you should be grateful that it’s not too complex. This Saturday will give you the opportunity to walk away if the conditions don’t suit you. So listen to your heart and heed this universal clue, because it opens the way for you to hear what you need to hear on June 29, 2024.

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3. Virgo

Kirill_Savenko | CanvaPro

If the universe is trying to send you a message, it has something to do with the idea of ​​not taking certain things in your life for granted. When Saturn is retrograde, you may feel particularly psychic, which can lead to feelings you need to process. Don’t jump to conclusions. Yes, you gather a lot of information, but the universe tells you to process it before acting impulsively.

You want to make sure your ideas actually come to fruition before you jump in. That’s why on Saturday, June 29, you’ll feel both the urge to jump in and do something impulsive, as well as the urge to hold back, because there’s something here that you’re not really seeing.

If you can listen to this message and hold yourself back before you act, you may be able to gather even more information and then you can take action. The big message for you coming from Saturn retrograde is to hold yourself back before you speak up. You may just need a little more time, but for now, it’s best not to.

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4. Sagittarius

Kirill_Savenko | Canva Pro

Saturn in retrograde makes you understand that great things are coming your way, but that you cannot yet devote yourself fully to them. This means you need a certain degree of detachment, and this can be difficult because what lies ahead seems so attractive and promising. This is totally fine, and on Saturday, June 29, you will feel good about your life, but the cosmos is telling you to wait a little longer.

What you may feel is specific to your life is the idea that you know you can’t fully believe in something until it’s proven and right in front of you. While you might just get this proof, during Saturn retrograde everything comes crashing down, and that’s so you can take a hard look at what you’re involved in.

Everything will be fine, Sagittarius, and you can count on that, but it’s that extra time that will make it all work out. You’ll appreciate having that kind of patience, and the universe will applaud your efforts by letting you know that you’re strong and resilient. If all this Saturday brings you is perspective, then consider yourself a success.

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Ruby Miranda interprets the I Ching, Tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.