
Driver shocked after car catches fire on A120 slip road near Colchester

A car caught fire on a busy road near Colchester this morning, leaving drivers in shock.

The incident, which occurred at the Frating slip road on the A120, saw the entire vehicle catch fire.

As a result, smoke could be seen rising into the air.

An eyewitness told the Gazette they were driving when they discovered the incident.

They said: “I was driving in the fast lane when I noticed a plume of smoke and then realised a car was on fire on the inside lane.

“The car in front of me slowed down and I went next to it to create a barrier.

“I could see a group of four adults on the side of the road, I thought they were the passengers in the car.

“They were retreating from the car as the fire became more and more intense.

“Then when we could hear the sirens.

“Myself and the other cars in front moved to the side.

“Unfortunately, this allowed some idiot drivers behind us to take it upon themselves to pass us and then pass the burning car, which was incredibly dangerous.

“When a van hit the side door of the car, sparks flew into the passing van. How it didn’t catch fire, I’ll never know.”

The eyewitness added that a police car quickly arrived, then two firefighters, who “quickly extinguished the fire.”

They added: “The firefighters took the passengers out of the car and, half an hour later, the queue, which had probably stretched to the Frating roundabout, was able to pass.”

Essex Fire and Rescue have been contacted for an official statement.