
The controversial Avengers: Endgame theory that Doctor Strange killed Tony Stark to stop him from becoming a villain is completely crazy

Are the tears still drying for Iron Man? Wait! A crazy theory suggests Doctor Strange doomed him! Did Strange see an evil Tony Stark in the future and pull off the ultimate power play? This mind-bending rewrites Strange as a cosmic chess master, playing a secret war against a future Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark | Marvel Studios

It’s crazy ? Completely ! But this adds a spicy twist: what if the real endgame isn’t just Thanos, but a hidden battle within the Avengers?

Wow! Did Doctor Strange Really Kill Tony Stark? Spider-Man and Doctor Strange in Spider-Man: No Way Home | Marvel Studio

Iron Man’s sacrifice in Endgame was a blow, but one crazy theory suggests Doctor Strange could have played a darker role. Remember Thanos’ chilling line about knowledge being a curse in Infinity War? Well, after studying millions of futures, Doctor Strange may have seen a terrifying…