
“Consider the impact of fireworks on pets and wildlife”: Guelph Humane Society

For many, during the Canada Day long weekend, holiday celebrations may include fireworks.

The Guelph Humane Society (GHS) has appealed to the community ahead of fireworks this long weekend. Consider the impact fireworks can have on pets and wildlife.

“For many pets, the loud noises and bright flashes of fireworks can cause extreme anxiety and stress,” Lisa Veit, GHS executive director, said in a news release. “Common reactions in dogs and cats include shaking, hiding, and trying to escape, which can lead to injury or even loss. »

Fireworks can also be harmful to wildlife according to the humane society.

Unexpected explosions of fireworks can disturb nesting birds, causing them to flee and abandon their nests, which can leave chicks vulnerable. Other wildlife may flee their habitat in panic, which could result in injury.

“Fireworks can have a domino effect on local ecosystems,” says Veit. “Animals are forced to leave their secure space, which can have negative consequences on their health and behavior. »

Here are some tips GHS is offering to help keep pets and wildlife safe this holiday weekend:

  • Keep Pets Indoors – Make sure pets stay indoors during fireworks. Create a calm, comfortable space where they can feel safe.
  • Make sure pets have up-to-date identification tags and microchips in case they escape.
  • Listen to soothing music or use white noise to mask the sound of fireworks.
  • Avoid fireworks near wildlife areas – choose locations for fireworks away from park forests and bodies of water where wildlife may nest or rest.
  • Look for different ways to celebrate the holiday without using fireworks.

“We can celebrate this event in a way that is inclusive and respectful of all the creatures with whom we share our environment,” Veit said. “By making small changes, we can enjoy the festivities without compromising the welfare of pets and wildlife. »

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