
72% of voters don’t think Biden has the ability to serve

A new CBS poll released today is making headlines. It shows that 72% of registered voters do not believe Joe Biden has “the mental and cognitive health to serve as president.” 49% say the same about Trump. Joe Biden was a great president. He may have the best, brightest, most stable, and most diverse cabinet in history. His policies have been great. But for the next 4 months, those things matter far less than his ability to lead and communicate our arguments on the most fundamental issues facing our country. He cannot be our standard-bearer at such a critical time in our history. He literally just had the worst debate in American presidential history. His cognitive decline was evident and left him unable to articulate himself clearly on the issues that matter most to us.

I know he’s a good person and I think he’s selfless. I think he’s going to retire. Joe Biden is not the only person who can beat Trump. The only way he’s going to stay is if he thinks that because we keep saying that. Rank-and-file Democrats need to say, ‘President Biden, we sincerely thank you for your service. It’s time to pass the torch.’