
The moment a Republican state representative is caught pouring water into his Democratic rival’s tote bag

A Republican Vermont lawmaker admitted to pouring water into a Democratic colleague’s bag for months.

Video footage showed Republican Mary Ann Morrissey pouring cups of water into Democratic Rep. Jim Carroll’s tote bag, which was hanging on a coat rack, multiple times. Two videos, showing separate incidents in March, were first released by the Vermont media outlet Seven days.

“I have been hesitant to release the video because I believe it will deeply embarrass Rep. Morrissey,” Carroll told the outlet. “However, it has become clear to me that the media is aware of the details of Rep. Morrissey’s behavior and will likely continue to report on it for the foreseeable future,” he wrote.

Unsure of the source of the water, Carroll told the outlet he had installed a $23 spy camera behind a scarf aimed at the coat rack, which hangs in the hallway outside his committee room. The camera captured the decisive moment that had been five months in the making.

“For five months I went through this… It was torment, there’s no doubt about it,” Carroll said.

Morrissey apologized to Carroll on June 17 in the House of Representatives in front of his colleagues.

“I am truly ashamed of my actions,” the Republican lawmaker said.

“I have sincerely apologized to Jim directly and publicly and will work to resolve and repair the situation through our legislative process.” “It was conduct completely unbecoming of my role as a representative and a human being and does not reflect my 28 years of service and civility,” she said.

Carroll told the Associated Press he first noticed his bag getting soaked several times a week in January and February. Carroll was arrested in February for driving under the influence.

But when he came back from rehab, he told the Associated Press that his bag was wet daily: “It was relentless.”

After capturing the damning footage, Carroll said he showed the evidence to House Speaker Jill Krowinski, who then contacted Morrissey.

“This is a truly disturbing situation that is at odds with our legislative practices,” Krowinski told the outlet in a statement.

“The integrity and decorum of our legislative processes and legislators are of paramount importance, and any actions or behavior that compromise these values ​​will be thoroughly investigated and addressed,” the lawmaker said.