
Lorraine Kelly caught in clumsy on-air mistake as she complains to movie star

Lorraine found herself in a sticky situation during an interview with legendary Bridget Jones star Celia Imrie, who appeared on the show to promote her new book.

The 64-year-old presenter, who has worked on ITV screens for decades, prides herself on making sure she is well prepared before interviewing guests on her show. However, in Monday’s (July 1) episode, the host complained about not being as prepared as she would have liked.

Sitting face to face with icon Celia, Lorraine had to awkwardly admit that she hadn’t had the chance to read her entire book Meet Me At Rainbow Corner. The Scottish TV personality complained about not having enough time to finish Celia’s latest novel.

Lorraine found herself in a sticky situation with a Bridget Jones icon

It was evident that Lorraine was struggling and unaware of Celia’s new publication after the author explained the relevance of the book’s connection to its July 4 launch date.

Celia explained: “Thursday will be a busy day, but nevertheless, the book will be released on July 4 (she showed the book) because of the GIs, in their honor. » Lorraine replied, “Of course it makes a lot of sense, Independence Day. »

Instead of chatting throughout their conversation, the host decided to instead admit that she hadn’t had enough time to digest everything.

Lorraine said: “Meet Me At Rainbow Corner, which comes out on Thursday and I can’t wait to finish it. I only got it yesterday and I should have finished it by now.”

Célia had nothing to say about Lorraine not reading her book

She groaned, “I don’t like talking to people until I’ve read their entire book, but I still have this little joy.” The movie star shrugged off his comments with an understanding smile.