
‘Deafening silence’ on climate change criticised by CBI as pro-growth means pro-environment | Climate News

The warning from CBI business group boss Rain Newton-Smith comes in an election campaign where the issue of carbon neutrality has become a point of contention. But the business leader says green industries are key to boosting the economy.

Monday 1 July 2024 13:32, United Kingdom

The “deafening silence” on climate change during the election campaign has been criticized by major business group the CBI.

But the next government cannot claim to be pro-growth without also being pro-environment, Rain Newton-Smith, director general of the CBI, told a conference in London today.

With just three days before the general election, she will highlight the “deafening silence from all parties on the issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, net zero and our planet”.

But there is a risk in trying to “separate the economy from net zero”, she will say, adding: “Whoever forms the next government will not be able to be pro-growth and deliver results for our citizens, our planet and our communities, without being favorable to growth. Green.”

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI CEO. Photo: PA

In February, a study by CBI economists found that The UK’s net zero economy grew by 9%, far outpacing overall GDP growth. by only about 0.1% over the past year, indicating the need for a clear green plan to attract private investment.

The study suggests the next government could add up to £57 billion to the economy through green growth by 2030.

Green issues were high on the agenda at the last UK general election in 2019, after Extinction Rebellion (XR) protests, school strikes led by Greta Thunberg and a ban on fracking dominated the headlines.

More information on the 2017 general elections

But while last time parties clamored for the biggest commitment to tree planting, this year the issue has become a point of contention, dividing the parties.

Bill Gates said artificial intelligence would accelerate innovation and make it easier to combat climate change, but he also warned it must be

The Conservatives have vowed to take a more “proportionate and pragmatic” approach to climate action after Some voters in the Uxbridge by-election appeared to reject Labour because of the London Mayor’s ULEZ air pollution policy..

Labor has said it wants to make the UK a “clean energy superpower”, although it has also some green plans have been watered down.

In reality, most of the two parties’ policies differ less than their rhetoric.

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The CBI leader will call on both major parties to commit to taking action to achieve green growth.

“The next government will have to be proud and proud to make green growth part of its new investment narrative for Brand Britain,” she will say.

“No more dithering, no more rejected commitments. Whoever forms the next government must let the world know that they are serious about the investment opportunities from net zero and that we are in it for the long haul. Make decisions and stick to them.”

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She added that businesses want to see the creation of an Office for Net Zero to coordinate action across government departments.

“It is a dangerous mistake to try to separate (the economy) from net zero.

“There’s still too much of our political discourse that boils down to, ‘Can we afford to get to net zero?’ But the real question is, can we afford not to?”

Alongside the Labour and Conservative proposals, the Liberal Democrats have pledged to “put the fight against climate change at the heart of a new industrial strategy” and say investing in clean energy will cut emissions and high energy bills and create jobs.

In April, the SNP abandoned its greenhouse gas reduction target but still wants to make Scotland a “green energy powerhouse” and pledges to take an “evidence-based approach” to new oil and gas projects. It wants more devolved powers over energy to ensure its natural resources better serve the people of Scotland.

The Green Party wants the UK to reach net zero more than a decade ahead of the current 2050 target and has promised to spend £40bn a year to fund the transition to a green economy.

Reformers claim net zero will “cripple” our economy, pledging to scrap the target and associated subsidies to “cut bills and restore growth.”