
The Silent Time Bomb of Relationships and How to Defuse It

Intimate relationships thrive on mutual respect, appreciation, and effort. Yet a hidden problem often undermines many partnerships: taking one’s partner for granted. This can erode even the most vital relationships, leading to dissatisfaction, resentment, and breakup.

I have seen many relationships fall apart because partners take each other for granted. Understanding why this happens and taking proactive steps is essential to maintaining a healthy and loving relationship.

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The Nature of Taking Someone for Granted

Taking your partner for granted means assuming that their presence, support, and efforts are guaranteed. Over time, the excitement and novelty of a new relationship can fade, and daily routines can lead to complacency. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as neglecting to express gratitude, failing to acknowledge your partner’s efforts, or failing to take the time to build meaningful connection. When a partner feels undervalued or ignored, they experience feelings of being underappreciated, which can be detrimental to their emotional well-being and the relationship.

The impact on relationships

The consequences of taking your partner for granted can be profound. It may seem minor at first, but it can become a major problem. Here are some of the major consequences:

Erosion of emotional intimacy: Emotional intimacy is based on feeling valued and understood. When appreciation and recognition are lacking, emotional distance can develop. This makes sharing feelings, dreams, and vulnerabilities difficult and essential for deep connection.

Example: Lia stopped sharing her daily experiences with John because he seemed indifferent and never asked her how her day was. Over time, she felt emotionally distant from him.

Growing resentment and frustration: Resentment can arise when a partner feels neglected or undervalued. This can lead to frustration, manifesting itself in arguments, passive-aggressive behavior, or withdrawal. These negative interactions create a toxic cycle, which further damages the relationship.

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Example: Juan always felt underappreciated in his handling of household chores, which led to frequent arguments with Lisa over trivial matters.

Decreased motivation to invest in the relationship: Feeling taken for granted can decrease motivation to invest in the relationship. When efforts are not recognized or reciprocated, the partner may feel there is no reason to keep trying, leading to a decline in relationship quality.

Example: Emma stopped planning date nights because Mike never acknowledged her efforts, making her feel like her attempts were in vain.

Potential for infidelity: Feeling unappreciated can make individuals more likely to seek validation and appreciation outside of the relationship. While this is not an excuse for infidelity, it does highlight the importance of maintaining mutual gratitude and connection.

Example: Troy felt unappreciated at home and began confiding in a coworker who appreciated and listened to him, which eventually led to an emotional affair.

Recognize the signs

Recognizing the signs that you are taking your partner for granted is the first step to solving the problem. Common indicators include:

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Lack of communication: Conversations become superficial or revolve only around practical matters, with little effort to engage on a deeper emotional level.

Example: Janita and Tomas’ conversations were limited to discussing bills and schedules, without any deeper emotional connection.

Lack of gratitude: Routine acts of kindness or support are no longer recognized or appreciated.

Example: Joe stopped thanking Jill for making dinner every night, and Jill felt like her efforts were going unnoticed.

Decreased quality time: Spending meaningful time together becomes rare, with partners prioritizing other activities over each other’s.

For example, Rachel and Steve spend their evenings on their phones or watching television separately instead of together.

Essential Reading on Relationships

Neglecting special occasions: Birthdays, holidays and other important dates should be noted and celebrated.

Example: David forgot their anniversary, leaving Marianne hurt and unimportant.

Solve the problem

Addressing the issue of partner consideration requires conscious effort and commitment from both partners. Here are some strategies:

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Express your gratitude regularly: Make it a habit to show gratitude for things big and small. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making your partner feel valued.

Example: Saying “thank you” for making coffee in the morning can make your partner feel appreciated.

Prioritize quality time: Set aside regular time to connect with your partner. Spending quality time is essential to maintaining intimacy, whether it’s a date night, a weekend getaway, or just spending an evening together without distractions.

Example: Schedule a weekly date to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company.

Communicate openly: Foster an environment where both partners feel comfortable sharing their feelings and concerns. Open communication can help resolve issues before they become bigger ones.

Example: Check in regularly with your feelings about the relationship.

Show your appreciation through actions: Small gestures, like preparing a favorite meal, leaving a heartfelt note, or planning a surprise, can demonstrate your appreciation and keep the relationship vibrant.

Example: Leave a note saying “I love you” on your partner’s car or make their favorite breakfast on a random day.

Think about your behavior: Regularly reflect on your behavior and its impact on your partner. Are you contributing to their happiness and well-being or are you taking their efforts for granted?

Example: Take some time to consider whether you have recognized your partner’s efforts and contributions.


Taking your partner for granted is a hidden time bomb that can destroy intimate relationships. By recognizing the signs and making a concerted effort to show appreciation, communicate openly, and prioritize quality time, couples can defuse this time bomb and build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. A successful relationship requires ongoing effort and a mutual commitment to valuing and cherishing each other.

© Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D. All rights reserved.