
McConnell crew completes 43-hour non-stop round-the-world trip

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – Airmen stationed at McConnell Air Force Base completed a nonstop flight around the world to test the capabilities of their latest tanker aircraft.

The 22nd Air Refueling Wing began its 43-hour journey Saturday and did not return to the ground until Monday afternoon. The goal was to test the endurance of the new KC-46-A Pegasus tankers.

During the flight, both crews followed rotating duty and rest cycles, performing four in-flight refuelings en route.

“This mission was a true test of our capabilities and a shining example of the critical role our tankers play in fueling and supporting the Joint Force,” said Col. Cory Damon, 22nd Air Refueling Wing commander.

This weekend’s mission broke the 2022 record of 36 hours for the longest KC-46 Pegasus flight.