
Even though there are cases of sexual harassment, Moeldoko appreciates the cancellation of the revocation of permits for the Shiddiqiyyah Sagesse Islamic boarding school

Even though there are cases of sexual harassment, Moeldoko appreciates the cancellation of the revocation of permits for the Shiddiqiyyah Sagesse Islamic boarding school

JAKARTA – Presidential Chief of Staff Gen. TNI (Purn) Moeldoko said the cancellation of the revocation of the operating license of the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java, was a wise decision to save the educational institution. “I think it is very wise (not to revoke the license) because it is an individual behavior. The institution must be saved,” he said, in Jakarta, Thursday (July 14). Jokowi during the last presidential election. “I don’t think so,” he said. He stressed that the alleged sexual assault incident at the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Jombang was the act of an individual. Therefore, it must be separated from Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions. “How to separate individual or unscrupulous behavior from the pesantren institution itself. “I think the pesantren institution if it does not do negative things, it will continue,” he explained. – Educational institutions continue to make efforts to prevent the recurrence of sexual harassment cases, as happened at the Shiddiqiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java. , Jakarta, Tuesday, July 12. “Yes, he gave instructions earlier that sexual harassment cases continue to be held in educational institutions, including what happened now. There must be some kind of mitigation or healing of trauma for students,” he said.

Tag: moeldoko jombang ksp pondok pesantren shiddiqiyah