
Stop Calling on President Biden to Commit Crimes

Please people: stop recommending that Biden imprison or use Seal Team 6 to “take down” Trump and/or the Supreme Court Justices.

I get it. You’re afraid of the new Supreme Court decision. So am I. But encouraging our president to take criminal and dictatorial actions (and even commit murder by the military, for goodness sake) is not useful.

Instead, consider reaching out to your friends and family and beyond (especially independents and even conservatives) to point out that this decision is a direct path to American fascism/dictatorship. By all means urge them NOT to vote for Donald Trump, who is actively and happily engaging in using this blanket immunity to commit retaliatory crimes against his enemies. Remind them that these powers can be used in the future by malicious actors on any side of the political spectrum.

And please drop the suggestions that our side resorts to murder and imprisonment (outside the established law). Even if you are joking, it is a terrible image for everyone outside our community, muddying the waters as to what is really happening in our country.

Experience GOTV like you’ve never done before! This is our only hope for now.