
Quinday announces retirement effective September 1


Written by: David Elliott
Publication date: 07-02-2024

Russell City Manager Jon Quinday has announced his retirement from the City of Russell effective September 1, 2024.

He made the announcement at the Russell City Council meeting on Tuesday.

Quinday has been Russell city manager since 2012 and served as Russell police chief before that.

Here is the full text of his retirement announcement letter:

“Dear Mayor, City Council Members and City Staff:

I am writing to formally announce that I will be retiring as City Manager, effective September 1, 2024. This decision, while difficult, is made with confidence, knowing that the dedicated team in place shares a deep commitment to the best interests of the organization and the community. Russell’s success is a testament to the collective efforts of each dedicated City employee and volunteer Board member, the guidance of our governing body, and the constructive contributions of the community. Together, we have tirelessly addressed many challenges and implemented various initiatives to improve our community.

Managing a municipal organization is uniquely complex, requiring countless decisions and consideration of diverse perspectives. As a team, we have placed a strong emphasis on customer service and engagement, understanding that disagreements will arise while acknowledging that the ultimate goal of debate is not to persuade, but to teach and learn from one another. In productive discussions, we learn more about the topic and gain and understand each other’s perspective. We must maintain a conversation where diverse perspectives can be heard and considered, striving to find collaborative solutions.

After 27 years of dedication to the Russell community, I look forward to the next chapter of my life. I plan to spend quality time with my family, be the best husband, father and dad I can be, and find new ways to continue serving others. I am deeply grateful for the experience I have gained within the organization and wish the Town of Russell continued success and prosperity.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my wife, Alice, my children, Ashley, Jennifer and Megan, and their families for their unwavering support. Their encouragement and patience have been invaluable.

To the team that continues to serve the community, be proud of your work, who you are, and the difference you make. It has been an honour to work alongside such inspiring and talented individuals. Never underestimate the impact you have on the lives you touch. Each and every one of you has the power to lead, inspire, and create positive change.

Sincerely, Jon Quinday”

(Information courtesy of Jon Quinday.)