
Matanyahu Englman Considers Audit on Abu Salmiya’s Release – Israel News

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman spoke of the release of around 50 terrorists, including the director of Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip, Muhammed Abu Salmiya, during a ceremony to distribute licenses for the Accountants Council on Tuesday.

“According to the security services, serious crimes were committed at Shifa Hospital. Naturally, the hospital director, captured by the Israeli army in November, bears responsibility for this,” Englman said.

“The dialogue between political and security entities on this issue raises concerns that no comprehensive review has been conducted regarding all aspects of the release. Therefore, I intend to ask the Prime Minister to table on his desk the reports regarding the release of the terrorists. After reviewing the reports, we will consider the need to conduct an audit on the issue. It is essential to ensure that the decision-making process in this matter is not symptomatic of a fundamental problem in security decision-making,” Englman said.

In his speech, Englman also addressed the transfer of responsibility for security prisoners from the IDF to the Israel Prison Service, saying: “38% of female cadets who served in prisons where security prisoners are held testified to having suffered one or more sexual assaults. Following the transfer of custody of the Nukhba terrorists, some of whom were involved in serious sexual crimes, from the IDF to the Prison Service, I expect the Prison Service to draw conclusions from the report we have published,” the comptroller said.

A guard is seen in an observation tower along a wall of Gilboa prison, from where six Palestinian prisoners escaped, on September 6. (credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)

Prisoner Safety

“I intend to prepare an audit on the matter to monitor and ensure that all prison guards in security detention centers are protected,” he added.

Yisrael Beytenu party chairman Avigdor Liberman said: “I commend the State Comptroller for deciding to open an audit following my request regarding the reckless decision to release the director of Shifa Hospital and dozens of other terrorists. This release constitutes a serious attack on the security of the state and the essential interests of its citizens, and requires a thorough examination as soon as possible.”