
Unfair system when police vehicles hit motorists

Regarding the story of the citizen-police car accident in the Depot (“Massillon woman stuck with bills after being hit by police car”) where the municipality is not liable for her injuries: Why do I have to buy an umbrella policy on top of my car insurance for over a million dollars, when the police department or officers do not have such policies?

Wake up! You all must do the same!

Mary Cirelli, Canton

Unfair system when police vehicles hit motorists

Regarding the story of the citizen-police car accident in the Depot (“Massillon woman stuck with bills after being hit by police car”) where the municipality is not liable for her injuries: Why do I have to buy an umbrella policy on top of my car insurance for over a million dollars, when the police department or officers do not have such policies?

Wake up! You all must do the same!

Mary Cirelli, Canton