
Funcom Celebrates Secret World’s 12th Anniversary with a Brief Thank You Message

Today, July 3rd, marks the launch date of the deeply unique modern world MMORPG The secret worldwhich has been online for 12 years now but hasn’t seen any major updates since 2016. And while Funcom has focused more on survival sandboxes tied to major IPs, the company turned its sights to the MMO in a brief address on Twitter.

The message is nothing more than a nod to the game’s release and a small thank you note to players. “Another throwback, The secret world “12 years ago, we came out today!” the message reads. “Whether you are a Templar, Illuminati or Dragon, thank you for protecting the world from occult threats.”

As we have previously reported, the existing TSW the community took it upon itself to In fact celebrate the anniversary with a player-hosted party that hopes to repopulate lower-level zones and encourage dungeon runs and PvP battles.
