
Prepare for wildfire season

MISSOULA — The American Red Cross of Montana has some reminders on how you and your family can prepare for the upcoming wildfire season.

Scott O’Connell of the Red Cross says taking a few simple steps now can make a big difference later.

First, clear the areas near your home of brush and flammable materials.

The next thing you should do is create an emergency evacuation route and prepare a bag filled with a first aid kit, flashlight, cell phone, medications, chargers, non-perishable food, water, and contact information.

You should also always make sure that your car is parked facing the direction you plan to evacuate.

If you are caught in a fire, crouch in a water source. If there is no water, lie flat on your stomach, cover your body with earth and breathe close to the ground.

The Red Cross also advises not to re-enter your home once the fire has passed until local authorities have given permission. When you return, make sure your property has not been damaged and that there are no embers that could rekindle.

Finally, if you are told to evacuate, don’t wait.

Click here for additional information from the Red Cross.

Basic Wildfire Safety According to the Red Cross

  • Keep the areas around your home free of brush and materials that could catch fire.
  • Prepare an emergency kit to take with you during your evacuation. Items to include:
    • First aid kit
    • Flash light
    • Cell phone with chargers
    • Drugs
    • Family contact details
    • Non-perishable food and water
  • Back your car into the garage or park it outside, facing the direction of your escape route.
  • Confine your pets to one room so you can find them if you need to evacuate quickly.
  • Limit exposure to smoke and dust. Keep indoor air clean by closing windows and doors to prevent outside smoke from coming inside.

If you’re stuck outside, crouch in a pond, river, or swimming pool.

  • Do not put wet clothes or bandanas over your mouth or nose, as humid air can cause more damage to your airways than dry air at the same temperature.
  • If there is no water, seek shelter in an open area or among a bed of rocks. Lie face down and cover your body with earth. Breathe air close to the ground to avoid burning your lungs or inhaling smoke.

Do not return home until authorities declare it safe to do so.

  • Immediately inspect the roof and extinguish any sparks or embers. Wildfires may have left embers that could reignite.
  • Check your home for embers that could start a fire. Look for signs of fire, including smoke or sparks.
  • Avoid damaged or fallen power lines, poles and wires.
  • Keep your animals under your direct control. Hidden embers and hot spots could burn them.
  • Wet debris to minimize inhalation of dust particles.
  • Wear leather gloves and shoes with thick soles.
  • Discard any food that has been exposed to heat, smoke or soot.