
Driver suffers epileptic seizure and crashes SUV into neighbor’s dining room

Driver suffers epileptic seizure and crashes SUV into neighbor’s dining room

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Fox Meadows couple got a scary wake-up call after an SUV plowed through their home overnight.

George Goosby showed WREG the damage to his home after his neighbor did some unexpected renovation work overnight.

Goosby said he and his wife were asleep when their home was hit.

“It’s a real boom! We don’t know what happened or where it came from,” Goosby said. “We get up and run around asking, ‘What’s going on?’”

The incident happened on Estes Street near Cottonwood Road after a neighbor reportedly suffered a seizure and lost control of his vehicle.

The SUV was driven by a 31-year-old man who lives directly across Estes Street from the Goosbys.

SUV destroyed after driving into neighbor’s dining room.

He knocked over their mailbox before punching a hole in the brick wall where the Goosbys’ dining room is located, but which was unoccupied at the time.

“We were very lucky that this room was not a place where we hung out,” Goosby said. “We were very lucky that we were not in this room.”

Goosby told WREG that he and his wife initially thought the loud noise was some sort of Fourth of July celebration.

“We hear gunshots a lot around here, and it’s especially during the holidays,” Goosby said. “So we didn’t know if it was someone drunk and carrying a gun.”

Goosby said the man sat in his vehicle for several minutes, then backed it up across the street and into his driveway.

According to the police report, the driver’s mother said her son had suffered a seizure.

He was taken to St. Francis Hospital, but police were unable to immediately follow up on the crash because, according to their report, medical staff told them the driver was sedated and unable to make a statement.

Although Goosby told WREG the damage to his home was extensive, he’s grateful things didn’t get any worse.

“It could have been worse,” Goosby said. “So we’re grateful.”