


There are too many things wrong. This team has been in free fall for too long and something has to give. I can’t take it anymore. At some point this team has to get back up and stop losing series…or changes have to happen.

But the reality is that the changes that NEED to happen aren’t going to happen. Everyone needs to be accountable. There needs to be real leadership, but it’s been missing for a while. I never felt like Aaron Boone was a capable leader. Every time he talks I lose my mind because it’s just Boone chatter, it’s infuriating and it doesn’t make any sense. Now I feel like everyone is infected.

I’m glad that even though Gerrit Cole didn’t have the best outing possible, the Yankees got the last laugh and won Saturday’s game. I know Cole is still finding his groove after coming off the injured list. He’s an accomplished Cy Young winner and I know he’ll find his groove but right now, I don’t want to hear any excuses.

“It was really hot today and I struggled to get a grip on the ball at times. But I think I threw the ball pretty well, to be honest,” Cole said. “The number of throws increased… but still, I made a lot of good throws. I went as far as I could, but it was hard work,” read more HERE.

Yes, it was hot. Ask the Red Sox, they had the same weather to contend with. Guess what? It’s summer, and the heat will be worse some days than others. Same goes for cold weather in April or October, when pitchers have cold hands and still have to grip the ball. It’s part of the game. That’s where conditioning is important and he’s still working on it… but don’t give me excuses. There’s no room for that, Boonie gives us enough.

Speaking of Boonie’s excuses and chatter, he had plenty of it. “I thought Gerrit was good. I thought his work was pretty good.” Boone said. “It was really hot, and I think it took its toll, especially in the at-bats they had against him in the first two innings. He threw, I think, 40 pitches after two innings, over 60 after three innings. And I think it took its toll, no doubt. But I think he threw a lot of really good pitches, and I think his talent was there. … But they just wore him down a little bit and overworked him a little bit to get him out of there (for) a shorter day.”

Someone needs to step up and be a leader here! We already know Boonie isn’t going to do anything for us so we need our veterans to step up and make changes. It’s obvious this team is not confident, nothing they do screams confidence, especially Cole’s quote. When you don’t feel good about what you’re doing you can’t expect good things to happen. If there aren’t leaders willing to step up and right the ship we’re going to sink again. Where’s the leadership?

Honestly, all Cole should have said was that he wasn’t at his best Saturday. No excuses. We’ve all seen it. The pitch count went up quickly, and it just wasn’t the start to the season we expected from our ace. Bad starts happen. Just tell yourself that Saturday wasn’t his best, but he’s looking forward to the next one and leave it behind. Stop with the excuses…it doesn’t help you, the team, or the fans watching this disgusting freefall.

I’m not mad because Cole didn’t get the best start. That’s part of the game. Stop making excuses. Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one! And winning teams don’t make excuses, they take responsibility, make changes, and move forward. Show me that team, please…before it’s too late.

–Jeana Bellezza-Ochoa

BYB Senior Editor