
The crisis at TAROM could lead to the cancellation of some charter flights for tourists. Pilots claim to have wages half those of the private sector and to work illegally 7 days a week

The crisis at TAROM could lead to the cancellation of some charter flights for tourists. Pilots claim to have wages half those of the private sector and to work illegally 7 days a week

The decision of TAROM pilots to suddenly declare themselves unfit to fly could lead to the cancellation of some charter flights for tourists.

After TAROM cancelled almost all of its flights on Monday because pilots or co-pilots suddenly declared themselves unfit to fly, an unprecedented situation as the national airline acknowledged, the consequences could also extend to other flights.

“There will be a cascade effect, with the cancellation of some charter flights. For example, the Bucharest – Baia Mare flight was cancelled, which was supposed to bring pilots to Baia Mare for two charter flights to Antalya. Since the pilots will no longer reach Baia Mare, it is possible that the tourist charter flights from Baia Mare will not depart either,” TAROM pilot Cezar Osiceanu told G4Media.

He explained the situation at TAROM. He said that pilots and co-pilots have salaries similar to those of 2007 and are demanding an increase in their income. “We have reached rock bottom,” he said.

A TAROM pilot can earn up to 4,500 euros per month, much less than the income of around 10,000 euros per month offered by most private companies, Osiceanu added.

The pilot presented to Adevărul the causes of the chaos at TAROM and the reasons that led the pilots to declare themselves unfit to fly.

– There are no reserve pilots, the Boeing detachment has almost 20 pilots less than the minimum required; ATR has almost 22 less; Airbus also.
– Most TAROM pilots already have immediate job offers from competing companies.
– The board of directors and senior management effectively ignored the pilots’ requests.
– Pilots have been instrumental in keeping the company afloat and have earnings equivalent to those of 2007.
– Pilots have been and are being forced to violate the Labor Code, which requires only five consecutive days of flying and two days of rest. Pilots fly six or even seven consecutive days without any coverage, with only five days indicated on their timesheets, and the additional days are not paid in accordance with the law.
– The working conditions and food are miserable.

Trade unionists confirmed TAROM’s personnel problems. The airline is obliged to provide a reserve crew when pilots declare themselves unfit to fly, but TAROM does not have enough staff due to recent restructuring and the low wages it offers.

– After the latest restructuring, out of almost 1,900 TAROM employees, only 1,100 and 12 aircraft remain, compared to 29 in 2020. The pilots are few, tired and dissatisfied with their salaries, Narcis Pașcu, president of the united trade union of TAROM, said on Europa FM.

“There is a terrible shortage of drivers. There is a terrible shortage of mechanics. It is simply a situation caused by the stress of this prolonged restructuring. This year, 31 drivers and about 60 mechanics have left. You can imagine that with these departures, TAROM no longer has the possibility of having this reserve of personnel because it does not pay them.

“If a captain-pilot at TAROM has a salary of around 5,000 euros, at WizzAir the same captain will be paid 10,000 euros,” explained the union leader.

Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu urged TAROM management to urgently find solutions and develop an effective restructuring plan to ensure the company’s operational capacity.

Hundreds of people spent the night at Otopeni airport after being informed that their booked flights had been cancelled because TAROM pilots declared themselves unfit to fly. The situation worsened in the morning when even the flight that two ministers were supposed to take to Paris was cancelled.

Details of cancelled TAROM flights:

– Chaos at Otopeni airport: TAROM cancelled several flights after pilots declared themselves unfit to fly. Two ministers left without a plane.