
Meet the 6 New Faculty Members Joining MIT Sloan in 2024

Meet the 6 New Faculty Members Joining MIT Sloan in 2024

Large language models, workplace inclusion, algorithms, and intergroup conflict: Meet the six new experts who bring their knowledge and skills to the MIT Sloan faculty.

Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Just: Aouad joins MIT Sloan from London Business School as an associate professor of management science and operations. He earned a PhD in operations research from MIT.

Research: Aouad’s research focuses on the intersection between algorithm design under uncertainty and digital platform operations. Recent research includes a study of price controls and online service platforms, a paper on spatial correspondence in multihoming (when multiple platforms share the same providers, such as a driver who works for both Lyft and Uber), and a collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands to optimize its exhibitions.

Learn more: On his Google Scholar page and X.

Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies

Just: Lide holds a doctorate in business administration from Stanford University. She was previously a program manager at Google.

Research: According to Lide, she She studies organizational behavior, with a focus on “how employees form beliefs about social information and how these beliefs shape their perceptions of and behavior toward others in the workplace.” Her most recent work includes an article on under- and over-communication by leaders. She is currently working on research around bias adaptation and workplace inclusion.

Learn more: On his personal website and X.

Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Statistics

Just: Prior to joining MIT Sloan, Lu was an assistant professor of operations management at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He was also a visiting scholar at Google Research. Lu received his PhD in mathematics and operations research from MIT.

Research: Lu’s research includes solving large-scale optimization problems that arise in data science, machine learning, and operations research.

Learn more: On his Google Scholar page.

Assistant Professor of Applied Economics

Just: Muir holds a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University and was a fellow in economics, history and politics at Harvard University.

Research: Muir is a microeconomic theorist with interests in mechanism design, market design, and industrial organization. Her recent publications and working papers include An Optimal Management Plan for Containment in the Event of an Epidemic and The Optimal Design of Rights Related to Control of an Economic Resource.

Learn more: On his personal website and his Google Scholar page.

Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies

Just: Van Loon earned a PhD in sociology from Stanford University. Van Loon previously served as a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University’s Polarization Lab, which conducts research on political divisions in the United States.

Research: According to van Loon, his research focuses on “the interplay between culture and identity in the context of intergroup conflict” and how computational social science can be used to better understand social phenomena. Recent research includes a study of attitudes toward immigration policy, how negative word associations predict anti-black prejudice, and how the use of virtual reality can increase cognitive empathy toward others.

Learn more: On his personal website, his Google Scholar page and X.

Felix Vetter, Assistant Professor of Accounting

Just: Vetter was previously an assistant professor of accounting and taxation at the University of Mannheim in Germany. He received a PhD in accounting from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Research: Vetter’s research focuses on the labor markets for auditors and financial controllers as well as regulation. His research includes a paper on the effect of supervisors on employee misconduct in U.S. financial institutions and an analysis of a 2010 change to the Investment Adviser Qualification Examination and its impact on misconduct.

Learn more: On his Google Scholar and X page.