
GEMA/HS Announces Opening of GAP Grant Application Period

GEMA/HS Announces Opening of GAP Grant Application Period

ATLANTA – GEMA/HS announces the opening of the application period for the State of Georgia Business Continuity Grant.


The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) is pleased to announce the opening of the application period for the Georgia State Gang Prosecution (GAP) Grant. The State of Georgia has set aside $1,250,000 in FY 2025 state budget funds for a competitive grant to facilitate the prosecution of gang activity in the state.

“International, regional and local street gangs are making our communities less safe,” said Chris Stallings, GEMA/HS Director. “The GAP grant will provide critical resources to local and county agencies to combat this threat. Gangs are not an urban problem; they endanger every community in Georgia.”

A webinar on gang prosecutions will be held on July 16, 2024, featuring the Georgia Attorney General’s Office Gang Prosecution Unit and the Georgia Prosecuting Attorneys Council. The GEMA/HS Preparedness Grants and Programs Department will participate to discuss how to apply for the grant and best practices from the FY 2024 GAP Grant. Potential applicants may express interest in the webinar by emailing [email protected] with their full name, title, official email, and employer.

The FY 2025 GAP grant will be open for applications between July 16 and August 29, 2024, with award decisions to be announced on September 19, 2024. Eligible applicants for the GAP grant include Georgia state law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, or nonprofits primarily focused on gang prosecutions. Examples of eligible entities include state agencies, judicial districts/circuits, county sheriffs, and police departments.

The Georgia Gang Prosecution Grant Program for FY 2025 is designed to support state and local efforts to prosecute gang-related activity. Successful applicants must clearly identify and articulate how their project will contribute to safer communities by prosecuting gang activity. The program is based on risk- and capacity-based strategic plans that outline priority needs related to gang prosecution. For these plans to be effective, government and elected leaders, working with the broader community, must consider how to maintain current capacity levels while addressing potential gaps.

Successful applicants must demonstrate a commitment and, ideally, a history of successful prosecutions of gang activity. Particular consideration will be given to counties where prosecutors and law enforcement apply in tandem or in mutual support, as they are more likely to result in successful prosecutions. State agencies and nonprofits should explain how their work will result in prosecutions.

Cost sharing or matching is not currently required for the FY 2025 GAP. The performance period will run from September 19, 2024 to May 15, 2025.

Applications will only be accepted online through the Georgia EM Grants Manager. GEMA/HS is the state administrative authority for this program. Applicants in need of financial assistance should contact the GEMA/HS Grants and Preparation Programs Department at (404) 635-7095, or by email at [email protected].