
Baseball Media Criticizing Aaron Boone Should Send a Message to the Yankees

Baseball Media Criticizing Aaron Boone Should Send a Message to the Yankees

The New York Yankees are usually an easy target. If they win, they “bought” their team and don’t deserve it. If they lose, they spent all that money and are pathetic. If someone makes a mistake, it’s magnified in the back pages and the national media landscape. That’s the way life is in New York.

But what has happened in recent days is a very different kind of coverage. The Yankees have avoided justified criticism for a long time, masking their shortcomings with otherworldly play that was destined to fizzle out.

They’re now in the midst of the worst stretch of play in MLB, which is simply unacceptable for a team that features Aaron Judge and Juan Soto on offense. We know baseball teams aren’t immune to slumps and bad stretches, but this is a trend among the Yankees.

Between 2020 and 2024, the Yankees went 5-15 or worse four times under Aaron Boone, and 2021 saw a low-energy team with a minimum of 90 wins get embarrassed on national television by its main rival. That’s been the story since 2018.

Coincidence? This all happened with Boone in mind. Yes, the roster is imperfect, but there are more than enough pieces here to not only compete, but also avoid embarrassing media coverage. Boone has once again let this all get out of hand, and he feels the wrath of everyone NOW.

MLB Network: That’s right! Chris Russo, Mark DeRosa and Brian Kenny have all had varying degrees of criticism of Boone, which is good enough for us.

And then there’s Joel Sherman of the New York Post. He Never He avoids criticizing the Yankees, particularly Brian Cashman. But his timely criticism focused on Boone this time, and he echoed the fact that the manager isn’t always grounded in reality as he works tirelessly to defend his players for reasons we don’t know.

New York Post: It’s true!

How about a double dose of WFAN now! You might roll your eyes because the sports radio network is sometimes a little weird and chases the low-hanging fruit to yell at, but these rants from Brandon Tierney and Boomer Esiason couldn’t be more accurate, especially when it comes to the fan perspective.

“Aaron Boone is not the right fit for the Yankees.” For the fifth year in a row, this team needs a colossal kick in the ass, as Tierney put it. And he’s right: their manager Never do it.

In a more measured approach, Esiason went so far as to talk about respect and image. He is right, too. Why do grown men behave like children under Boone’s leadership? Isn’t that a problem?

WFAN: Two checks! And of course, you got the big check from Yanks Go Yard this week, right after Sunday Night Baseball lost to the Boston Red Sox. None of this is a coincidence. This is not an example of the media latching onto an easy target and using it for the sake of clicks or views or visibility.

Don’t forget that the YES Network and Michael Kay have also spoken out on this!

The Yankees have a legitimate problem, and it stems from everything that’s happening in the dugout or the locker room. Boone has been in charge for far too long for that to be overlooked in another season that’s slowly turning into a disappointment. The pressure is more real than ever, and it’s up to the Yankees to act on it.