
She caught her brother with another woman and plans to tell her sister-in-law about his affair – Chip Chick

She caught her brother with another woman and plans to tell her sister-in-law about his affair – Chip Chick

The 25-year-old woman has a 31-year-old older brother who married one of her very close friends, making her and her friends his sisters-in-law now.

“We met in college and we were roommates, that’s how they met. They got married two years ago and have a little girl, my niece, who is the light of my life,” she recalls.

However, after deciding to go shopping at a mall yesterday, her outlook on her brother’s wedding was completely turned upside down.

This is because after traveling for about an hour to shop at the mall, she spotted her brother holding hands with another woman – who was not his wife.

She and her brother also made eye contact and she could tell he was starting to panic. Then, after they started arguing at the mall, he ended up begging her not to tell his wife about his affair because he wanted to confess too.

“The woman didn’t say anything but she didn’t seem shocked, so I guess she knew she was the other woman,” she revealed.

Either way, the whole situation left her really torn because she realized it wasn’t really her place to talk about her brother’s marriage and tell his wife that she cheated on him.

Yet, on the other hand, her sister-in-law is her best friend and the mother of her niece – whom she loves so much.

“And I’m afraid that if she finds out that I knew about the affair and didn’t tell her, not only will it ruin our friendship, which is important to me, but it will also restrict my access to my niece, which would really suck,” she explained.

fotofabrika – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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