
You’ll be shocked at how much sugar people consume every day in your state.

You’ll be shocked at how much sugar people consume every day in your state.

Humans love sugar: it adds flavor to foods, but unfortunately it contributes to health problems when consumed in excess. It’s safe to say that every state in the Union, on average, falls into the category of overconsumption, but it turns out that some states are worse than others.

Redditor u/Smacpats111111 created a color-coded map of the United States based on average added sugar consumption, according to this 2023 peer-reviewed study.

As the chart itself shows, the American Heart Association recommends a limit of nine teaspoons of added sugar for men and just six for women. And even if you take the more lenient view of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, the average American exceeds those numbers in every state.

Alaska is the state with the lowest average consumption, 14.8 teaspoons. Oregon is just behind with 15 teaspoons.

In the meantime, Kentucky is in the worst shape, with 21.2 teaspoons as their average, while Mississippi is on their heels with 20 teaspoons.

On average, Americans eat a huge amount 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day.

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sugar consumption map

byu/Smacpats111111 from the discussion

By u/Smacpats111111.