
Shocked at how labradoodle was trained to cross the street alone

Shocked at how labradoodle was trained to cross the street alone

A recent TikTok video featuring a Labradoodle from Atlanta, Georgia being trained to cross the street on his own has gone viral, showcasing the dog’s impressive obedience and training skills.

The video, shared Thursday by user @uhhhrehlee, shows the dog sitting on the opposite side of the road from his owner, waiting patiently at a crosswalk. He looks both ways and only crosses when his owner gives him a vocal signal.

Training a dog is a process that takes time and patience. The American Kennel Club (AKC) offers several tips for effective dog training, such as starting with basic commands, using positive reinforcement, and practicing regularly to ensure consistency and obedience in a variety of environments.

For pet owners inspired by this video and looking to train their dogs, the AKC suggests focusing on basic training. Commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” are essential for building a dog’s confidence and responsiveness. Gradually introducing more complex tasks can help, but always in controlled and safe conditions.

The AKC also emphasizes the importance of recall training, which involves teaching your dog to return to its owner on command. This can be especially helpful in keeping your pet safe in a variety of situations. Training should always be done under controlled conditions to avoid any accidents or incidents.

“Dogs do the things we reinforce,” the AKC adds. “Those behaviors you don’t like? We usually have ourselves to thank for them. Owners inadvertently reinforce all sorts of unwanted behaviors, from excessive barking at the doorbell to surfing the counter.”

“Continue to leave food within reach on the counter and your dog will learn that it is worth checking out,” says the AKC.

dog crosses the street
Dog Crosses Street By Himself. A Viral Video Shows A Puppy Doing The Same When His Owner Asks Him To Do So.

Getty Images

The video quickly went viral on social media, attracting viewers from all over TikTok. It has so far received over 705,000 views and over 187,000 likes on the platform.

One user, Bigdddy, commented: “My dog ​​always walks on sidewalks and always crosses the crosswalks. If I try to cross she pulls me to the crosswalk and then walks.”

Julianneporter24 posted: “My dog ​​knows how to stop and look, I have trained him to stop at every step. Also because he is deaf, sight is paramount.”

Shay added: “This is an awesome order. I wish my dogs were like this. My biggest fear is my dogs getting hit on the road. Keep up the good work, I know this dog loves you.”

Newsweek I reached out to @uhhhrehlee for comment via TikTok comments. We were unable to verify the details of the case.

Do you have any funny and adorable videos or photos of your pet that you want to share? Send them to [email protected] along with a few details about your best friend, and they could be featured on our Pet of the Week list.