
“She wasn’t ready to leave”

“She wasn’t ready to leave”

Piro told PEOPLE, “We kept going until we couldn’t go on anymore. When we last spoke, she was realizing that things had taken a pretty big turn. The conversation was about love, support, care and fighting. She wanted to continue to get treatment and fight, even though her physical condition had deteriorated a bit. And that’s what we did.”

Despite the “limited options,” he explained, “the conversation was about, ‘What can we do within these limitations?’ rather than, ‘Let’s do nothing.’ It wasn’t even open to discussion, because that’s not how Shannen lived. She was an incredible warrior in everything she did.”

“In her mind, she didn’t want to consider any other alternative than to say, ‘We were beating this disease and moving on with life.’ We didn’t really talk about what that meant for her in terms of extra time, because that wasn’t how she operated. She wanted to live every day, not like it was her last day, but like it was the beginning of a whole new chapter for her.”

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