
Jimmy Douglass Adds Atmos Room

Jimmy Douglass Adds Atmos Room

Five-time Grammy Award-winning engineer and producer Jimmy Douglass has outfitted his private venue with a new Atmos mixing room.

Jimmy Douglass Adds Atmos Room
Five-time Grammy Award-winning engineer and producer Jimmy Douglass in his KRK-equipped Dolby Atmos mixing room.

Miami, FL (July 19, 2024) — Five-time Grammy Award-winning engineer and producer Jimmy Douglass didn’t need to buy any speakers when he added a Dolby Atmos room to his two stereo rooms because he already had plenty of them.

“I had about 20 KRK monitors in my inventory, so I decided to use them to build my Dolby system, and I love how you really hear the definition and distance in the surround production,” says Douglass, who has been using KRK speakers for nearly 20 years.

During his career in the music industry, Douglass has worked with a wide variety of artists, from Aretha Franklin, The Rolling Stones and Foreigner, to contemporary artists such as Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, Pharrell Williams and many more.

His Miami studio houses a collection of V-Series V8 and Classic 8 powered studio monitors with S10 powered subwoofers. “The KRK speakers can handle the levels that hip-hop requires. I can blast them and they can really bring out that power,” he says. “They sound great even without a subwoofer and they sound nice and clean. I use them a lot in my Dolby and stereo rooms.”

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He adds: “Another advantage of the KRK is that I can move them around easily. I have them on stands around the room, making it a portable setup. I can take them down at any time, without having to commit. For me, that’s the beauty of this system.”

Douglass says he also appreciates the aesthetic appeal of the KRK brand. “One of my favorite things about KRK is the easily identifiable color of these woofers; the yellow really pops,” he says.

Regarding his recent projects, he says, “I was lucky enough to remake Justin Timberlake’s catalog in Atmos. My KRKs were very helpful for that project. The songs sound amazing when you hear them on the speakers in the immersive environment. I tried listening to them on my phone in binaural, but I didn’t get the spatial dimension that I felt when listening through speakers. So those elements were very important throughout the process. Whatever projects I have coming up, I work on them with my KRKs.”