
Strong criticism of Orban’s secret trip to Moscow expected at EU foreign ministers meeting

Strong criticism of Orban’s secret trip to Moscow expected at EU foreign ministers meeting

Harsh criticism of Orban’s quiet Moscow trip expected at EU foreign ministers meeting

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s unauthorized trip to Moscow is at the heart of the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on Monday (starting at 9 a.m.). Strong criticism is expected from other member states. However, there is no consensus within the EU on boycotting an informal Foreign Affairs Council to be held in Budapest at the end of August. Germany and other countries are in favor of attending to demonstrate their opposition to Orban on the ground. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has proposed moving the meeting to Brussels.

The Brussels meeting will also discuss military aid to Ukraine in the context of the Russian offensive. Orban, who traveled to Moscow in early July to meet President Vladimir Putin, is blocking around €6.5 billion, according to diplomats. Borrell also intends to discuss the Gaza war and a proposed Association Council with Israel.

At the EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels, Austrian Water Minister Auenrat is expected to harshly criticize Orban’s trip to Moscow. Despite this criticism, Germany and other EU members are advocating for a boycott of the EU water ministers’ meeting in Budapest in order to directly express their opposition to Orban. However, it remains difficult to reach a consensus within the EU on this issue.

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