
One Telltale Sign Shows If Your Dog Really Considers You Family – Or Not

One Telltale Sign Shows If Your Dog Really Considers You Family – Or Not

An animal communicator has shared the telltale signs that can identify whether your dog sees you as a parent or even just another member of the family — and it’s so adorable

You Can Tell If Your Dog Sees You As Family (Stock Image)((Getty)

Dogs are our best friends, and it’s no wonder as they’re fun, fluffy balls of energy – but does your dog really consider you family?

Puppies are known for being loyal, trusting, and downright adorable. You may never question your dog’s love for you, but if you’re wondering if he truly considers you a member of the family, there’s one telltale sign: your behavior.

Lisa Larson, an animal communicator, explained on Quora that if “you treat them in a motherly way, you nurture them, you take care of them, you make them feel safe and secure, and you do all those ‘motherly’ things that we do as pet parents,” then your pet will see you as their parent.

She also shared, “I would say most animals have that relationship, some have a sibling relationship, some are best friends, some are even business partners, but dogs definitely feel like they’re part of a ‘family’ if their family gives them that type of love and treats them that way,” which is absolutely adorable to know.

But if you don’t see your dog as a family member, he will definitely feel that way and not see you as a parent, or even a family member. If you think “dogs are just dogs and should be treated like dogs,” then he won’t see you as a parent, because you don’t see yourself that way.

In the comments, someone wrote: “I say that dogs and cats know that if you treat them with love and affection, they think you are the parent. This is the case for me and my dog ​​and cat.”

Another added: “We are blessed to be their moms.” And another shared: “I am my dog’s mom and he is my precious little boy. I look at his cute face and have to get up and pet him! When we sleep he takes up the entire other half of the bed but he sleeps so close to me I can feel him breathing.”

“My parents were not dog lovers, even though they adored the dogs in my family. So I didn’t know how much I would love a dog until my husband and I got our first dog. My husband was one of those REAL dog lovers. And his love for our pet(s) taught me the deep love that exists between a dog and its owner/parent!”