
Her Teenage Stepdaughter Won’t Stop Singing At The Dinner Table, So She Got Honest And Told Her She’s Not A Good Singer » TwistedSifter

Her Teenage Stepdaughter Won’t Stop Singing At The Dinner Table, So She Got Honest And Told Her She’s Not A Good Singer » TwistedSifter

Her Teenage Stepdaughter Won’t Stop Singing At The Dinner Table, So She Got Honest And Told Her She’s Not A Good Singer » TwistedSifterHer Teenage Stepdaughter Won’t Stop Singing At The Dinner Table, So She Got Honest And Told Her She’s Not A Good Singer » TwistedSifter

One of my biggest pet peeves in life is when people sing around me and I really don’t appreciate that they are BAD singers.


This woman had to be tough on one of her stepdaughters and now she wants to know if she went too far.

Read on and see what you think…

“I have two stepdaughters, Scarlett (18) and Ava (16).

Scarlett is an incredible singer. She has been taking voice lessons since she was 10 years old and recently graduated from one of the top performing arts schools in the state, where she has been on a full scholarship since 6th grade.

She has a YouTube channel where she sings, thanks to which she begins to earn money and has been accepted into very prestigious music schools.

Additionally, she has been working odd jobs for two years, earning at least $500 to $1,000 a week, and more in the summer.

She even opened for a few concerts. I’m not trying to brag, I’m just saying that she’s objectively a good singer.

On the other hand…

Ava, on the other hand, is not a good singer.

She likes to believe she is and could be if she actually stuck to singing or choir lessons, but she always drops out after 1-2 weeks because they “nag” her (giving her constructive feedback, I’ve seen the grades her classmates and teachers gave her).

Ava also likes to sing very loudly and/or in bad moments. For example, if she feels like we are being too quiet at the table, she starts singing very loudly.

It doesn’t sound right and I honestly don’t know how she doesn’t hear it.


If you ask her to stop she continues and if you are direct and say stop, that doesn’t sound good/we don’t want to hear it, she continues and gets even louder just to annoy you.

If we are in the car and we don’t let her choose the songs, she will sing at the top of her lungs whatever she wants, not what is playing, to annoy us and will respond the same way when we tell her to stop. The only person she listens to is her father.


A few weeks ago we tried to eat and she started singing again. I told her to stop and she refused, so I took her plate and told her that from now on she was not allowed to eat at my table.

She can eat in her room, in the backyard, in her car, in the garage, wherever she wants as long as she can’t be heard from the dining room and this continues until she can behave properly at the table.

My husband and I have been arguing about it, but he’s not home for dinner so he can’t do much about it. Today she had lunch with us and started singing again.

I told her to stop and she wouldn’t listen to me, so I took her plate back and told her to eat somewhere we couldn’t hear her if she didn’t want to behave. Ava argued that she sang better than Scarlett and that Scarlett sang all the time.

She didn’t hold back…

I was sick of her bullshit so I asked her how many times someone other than her dad had actually asked her to sing, not even paying her to be there, just asking her to sing or how many performing arts schools she had been accepted to (she applied to many).

She started crying and my husband wants me to apologize for being rude to her and insists that I let her eat with the family again.

” What is this ? “

Let’s see how people reacted.

This person had a lot to say.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another Reddit user thinks they all suck.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

This person agreed.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another individual intervened.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

This person said she was a *******.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

The truth hurts… especially when you tell it to a child!

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