
Bibi to Deliver Israel’s Message of Survival Against Terror in Turbulent Washington DC | | David Israel | 16 Tammuz 5784 – Monday, July 22, 2024

Bibi to Deliver Israel’s Message of Survival Against Terror in Turbulent Washington DC | | David Israel | 16 Tammuz 5784 – Monday, July 22, 2024

Photo credit: Haim Zach/GPO

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara visit George Washington’s home in Mt. Vernon, November 11, 2015.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to leave for Washington on Monday morning on his Boeing 767 Wing of Zion. The trip was originally scheduled for Sunday but was postponed after his meeting with President Joe Biden was rescheduled for Tuesday. If you just got back from an extended family camping trip, Biden announced last night that he was stepping down from the campaign trail.

An unnamed source close to the Biden administration told The Associated Press on Sunday that the president and Netanyahu were scheduled to meet at the White House. However, the exact timing remains unclear due to Biden’s ongoing recovery from COVID-19.

Netanyahu’s itinerary includes a speech before a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. He is also scheduled to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris, who has emerged as a contender for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination after Biden withdrew.

Sources close to Netanyahu have cautiously predicted that he would meet with former President Trump during his visit to the United States. Netanyahu could fly to Florida, where his son Yair is celebrating his birthday this Friday, an hour’s drive from Mar-a-Lago on I-95. Boychik will be 33.

For Netanyahu, the most important part of his visit to the United States is the speech to Congress – courtesy of President Johnson and House Republicans – much more than the meeting with Biden, whose expiration date is approaching as this article is written. This is Netanyahu’s fourth speech to Congress – more than any other world leader.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress, with Vice President Joe Biden standing behind him, May 24, 2011. / Avi Ohayun/GPO

Netanyahu’s speech will be aimed at convincing Israel, and especially the United States, to continue the war against Hamas until this despicable organization disappears from the face of the earth. Netanyahu is expected to devote a significant portion of his speech to the hostages, and to this end he will bring with him a large delegation of soldiers, some of them wounded, and freed hostages. The delegation will also include representatives of 12 hostage families, including Noa Argamani and her father Yaakov.

On Wednesday at 2 p.m., Mr. Netanyahu will address both houses of Congress, with all Republican lawmakers and many Democrats in attendance. Only ten lawmakers have announced their intention to boycott the speech.

On the outside, anti-Bibi Israelis will join pro-Hamas protesters, virtually proving to Netanyahu and the Republicans that the left has gone mad. The louder and more vociferous the protesters against him are on the outside, the more eloquent and convincing the Israeli prime minister will be on the inside.

The U.S. Capitol Police are increasing security, and its spokesperson revealed plans to enhance protective measures around the event. The enhanced security strategy involves deploying additional officers, including those from outside agencies, and ensuring adequate resources for all teams involved. The statement, as cited by multiple media outlets, also acknowledges the likelihood of significant protest activity. It emphasizes respect for First Amendment rights while stressing the need for all protests to remain peaceful and within legal bounds.

Netanyahu will, as always, continue to work on his speech until the last minute, aided by his advisers who bombard him with ideas and by his editors who constantly edit the text. As always, due to the prime minister’s notorious last-minute corrections, his speech will be kept secret and will not be released to the media in advance, even if there is an embargo.

So that’s all I can say without being accused of being on parole from the Prime Minister (I hope).