
My message to members of the Democratic Caucus in Congress: Be like President Biden

My message to members of the Democratic Caucus in Congress: Be like President Biden

Salute them and applaud them for your good works and service to the nation, then withdraw.

Make way for a younger audience to take over the work of the People.

The bipartisan Policy Center states:
Approximately 244 million Americans will be eligible to vote in 2024. The 2020 election saw a record turnout of 66.6% of eligible voters. If turnout is as high again, more than 162 million ballots will be cast by November.

Generation Z now represents 41 million eligible voters, which is about 1/3 of the electorate.

Gen Z Florida Dems: ‘Youth voters will turn out en masse for Kamala Harris’

Gen Z-led Democratic organizations in Florida say that even though the party’s presidential ticket is changing, there won’t be fewer young voters at the polls in November.

“Young voters have consistently mobilized for President Biden in historic fashion because he has consistently stood with us on issues, whether it’s gun violence, climate change, or the Republican Party’s attacks on our rights to bodily choice and autonomy,” said the president of Florida Future Leaders. Jayden D’Onofrio said in a statement.

“Today, at this historic turning point, young voters will cast their ballots in droves for Kamala Harris, our first female president who will protect and expand our right to choose across this country. The contrast could not be starker for our generation: vote for a young and determined Kamala Harris, or watch the promise of our future crumble at the hands of a 78-year-old convicted sex offender and felon who is on the front lines of the Republican Party’s war on our youth rights.”

It’s time to pass the baton.

In 2026, let us look to the future and the leadership of a younger generation that will have to live in the world that my generation and the three before it have created.

It’s time.