
Pod Disruption In Kubernetes

Pod Disruption In Kubernetes

Pod Disruption In Kubernetes

In the world of Kubernetes, ensuring high availability of application during maintenance and upgrades can be a frustrating this has happened to me most times. As you scale and manage containerized applications, minimizing downtime and maintaining service continuity becomes a huge challenge especially when a simple human error can cause service disruption. This is where the concept of Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs) comes into play, today we will dive deep into the fundamentals of Pod Disruption Budget exploring how to implement them in your Kubernetes clusters.


A Pod Disruption Budget is a Kubernetes resource or policy that helps you define the number of pod that must remain available during a disruption, whether you’re dealing with voluntary disruptions like node maintenance or unvoluntary disruptions like node failures, PDBs provide a way to safeguard your application’s stability and availability. they can be applied to a specific workload, such as deployment or Statefulset or a group of workloads using a label selector.

there are two types of disruption?

  • voluntary disruption

  • involuntary disruption

Voluntary Disruption: voluntary disruption can happen when

  • the application owner deletes the deployment managing the pods
  • updating the deployment pods template which causes a restart.

Involuntary Disruptions: can happen when

  • there is a node failure
  • the cluster admin deletes the nodes accidentally
  • there is a kernel related problem
  • there isn’t enough resources left on a node.

Image description


what PDB’s do is tells kubernetes of the desired state of the cluster which you have orchestrated and enforced. this means there must be a minimal number of pods replica that must remain at any given time. when a voluntary disruption occurs Kubernetes identifies the set of pods that are subject to PDB and restricts any further deletion or disruptions. then Kubernetes reschedules those pods using a strategy that doesn’t clash with the PDB.

Importance of Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs)

  1. Prevents Unnecessary Downtime: PDBs ensure application availability during disruptions by defining the maximum number of pods that can be taken down simultaneously, preventing complete service outages.

  2. Ensures Graceful Upgrades and Maintenance: During routine maintenance or cluster upgrades, PDBs control disruptions, ensuring that a minimum number of pods are always running to handle user requests.

  3. Enhances Cluster Reliability through Controlled Disruptions: By specifying the number of pod disruptions an application can tolerate, PDBs help maintain reliability and resilience, crucial in large, dynamic environments.

  4. Improves Node Management: Node maintenance, such as patching and upgrades, can be managed effectively without impacting application availability, thanks to PDBs.

  5. Integrates with Cluster Autoscaler: PDBs work seamlessly with the Cluster Autoscaler, automatically adjusting the number of nodes while respecting PDB constraints to ensure application stability during scaling operations.

There are three main fields in PDB:

.spec.selector denotes the set of pods to which the PDB applies.

.spec.minAvailable it also denotes the minimal number of pods that must be available after eviction.

.spec.maxUnavailable this denotes the number of pods that can be unavailable after eviction.

Lets create our application using this manifest

create a simple Mario demo app for your clients

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment 
  name: games-deployment 
  replicas: 8 # You can adjust the number of replicas as needed 
      app: games 
        app: games 
      - name: mario-container 
        image: sevenajay/mario:latest 
        - containerPort: 80 
apiVersion: v1 
kind: Service 
  name: games-service 
  type: LoadBalancer 
    app: games 
    - protocol: TCP 
      port: 80 
      targetPort: 80 

deploy the application in your Kubernetes cluster with 8 replicas

kubectl apply -f games-deployment.yaml

$ kubectl get pods -o wide 
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP                NODE                             NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-4gdp4   1/1     Running   0          35m   ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-4hkps   1/1     Running   0          35m    ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-fm48d   1/1     Running   0          35m     ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-hsp4f   1/1     Running   0          35m    ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-k26q6   1/1     Running   0          35m     ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-kksnw   1/1     Running   0          35m    ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-lh95r   1/1     Running   0          35m   ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   <none>      
games-deployment-68bcccb748-tckkn   1/1     Running   0          35m   ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   <none>      

we can get the number of nodes available

kubectl get nodes -o wide 
NAME                             STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION               INTERNAL-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE                       KERNEL-VERSION                  CONTAINER-RUNTIME 
ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   149m   v1.30.0-eks-036c24b   <none>        Amazon Linux 2023.5.20240701   6.1.94-99.176.amzn2023.x86_64   containerd://1.7.11 
ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>   149m   v1.30.0-eks-036c24b    <none>        Amazon Linux 2023.5.20240701   6.1.94-99.176.amzn2023.x86_64   containerd://1.7.11 

now the application is accessible


now let’s create our manifest file for the PDB and set the minAvailable size to 4 which means that out of 8 replicas 4 must be running even if there is a voluntary or involuntary disruption of the pods, we can also use maxUnavailable as well.

apiVersion: policy/v1 
kind: PodDisruptionBudget 
  name: games-pdb 
  minAvailable: 4 
      app: games 

you can apply the pod disruption budget

kubectl apply -f "pdb.yaml"

Testing the PDB

let’s test the PDB and create a Disruption, by draining the node and we monitor the pdb in action:

kubectl drain <node-name> --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data 
kubectl drain ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data 
node/ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal cordoned 
Warning: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: kube-system/aws-node-qg5kc, kube-system/kube-proxy-v2n2m 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-tckkn 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-fm48d 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-4gdp4 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-lh95r 
pod/games-deployment-68bcccb748-fm48d evicted 
pod/games-deployment-68bcccb748-4gdp4 evicted 
pod/games-deployment-68bcccb748-lh95r evicted 
pod/games-deployment-68bcccb748-tckkn evicted 
node/ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal drained 

then we drain the second node

kubectl drain ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data 
node/ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal cordoned 
Warning: ignoring DaemonSet-managed Pods: kube-system/aws-node-xp987, kube-system/kube-proxy-nww45 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-hsp4f 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-4n4zl 
evicting pod kube-system/coredns-586b798467-p5pg9 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-kd7fb 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-k26q6 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-r7s57 
evicting pod kube-system/coredns-586b798467-mpgmq 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-kksnw 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-5v6bn 
evicting pod default/games-deployment-68bcccb748-4hkps 

Monitor the progress and observe that the eviction API will retry to evict the pods until they can be rescheduled on another node.

The nodes won’t be terminated due to the PDB constraints.

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide 
NAME                             STATUS                     ROLES    AGE     VERSION               INTERNAL-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE 
ip-192-168-106-62.ec2.internal   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>   6h20m   v1.30.0-eks-036c24b   <none>        Amazon Linux 2023.5.20240701   6.1.94-99.176.amzn2023.x86_64   containerd://1.7.11 
ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal    Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>   6h20m   v1.30.0-eks-036c24b    <none>        Amazon Linux 2023.5.20240701   6.1.94-99.176.amzn2023.x86_64   containerd://1.7.11 

then the pods status is left on pending cause the nodes aren’t running as expected. we observed the minimum available pods in pdb are 4 pods

$ kubectl get pods -o wide 
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP               NODE                            NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES   
games-deployment-68bcccb748-2dvsq   0/1     Pending   0          60s     <none>           <none>                          <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-5v6bn   1/1     Running   0          98s     ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal   <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-hjx6c   0/1     Pending   0          59s     <none>           <none>                          <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-j9gfs   0/1     Pending   0          59s     <none>           <none>                          <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-k26q6   1/1     Running   0          3h45m    ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal   <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-kd7fb   1/1     Running   0          99s   ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal   <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-kksnw   1/1     Running   0          3h45m   ip-192-168-67-92.ec2.internal   <none>           <none> 
games-deployment-68bcccb748-s777t   0/1     Pending   0          60s     <none>           <none>                          <none>           <none> 

now we can uncord the nodes to return the nodes back and make the pods scheduleable.


there are some factors to consider when creating pdb’s

  • monitoring the Pod Disruption Status
  • when using the Pdb policy in a single deployments it blocks the execution of the kubectl drain command so avoid using pdb in single deployment using matchlabels you need to be clear to avoid overlapping selectors when deploying multiple
  • don’t set minAvailable to 100% you cant upgrade your cluster.
  • if your set maxUnavailable to 0% means you can not drain your node successfully.
  • You can set the .spec.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy field to AlwaysAllow and enable Kubernetes to evict unhealthy nodes when it drains a node.


Pod Disruption Budgets is a powerful resource in Kubernetes which is critical for workloads to remain available during node maintenance or failures and minimizes the disruption of operations. there by ensuring that applications remain resilient and continue to serve users effectively.

see you all next time!.