
Foreign envoys welcome new plenum draft

Foreign envoys welcome new plenum draft

The resolution gives a strong signal on the country’s future economic growth

Since taking office as Malta’s Ambassador to China in January, John Busuttil has been following developments in China closely. During his visits to the country, Mr Busuttil has expressed great appreciation for the economic situation in China despite the slow pace of global economic recovery.

The key messages he read out in the resolution adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last week assured him of the opportunities that the country’s growth will bring to Malta.

“New quality productive forces, China’s modernization and opening up are very important words,” Busuttil said in an interview with Chinese media on Friday. “If China’s economy is doing well, the world economy will do well too.”

He welcomed China’s commitment to expanding its opening-up.

“Malta is part of the European Union. Engagement with China remains very important for Europe. We must make efforts to engage in globalisation. This is very important for Europe and for the whole world.”

Like Busuttil, many foreign diplomatic envoys to China spoke highly of China’s commitment to further deepening reform and opening-up as they attended a briefing on the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on Friday.

At the event hosted by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing, they said the historic Party meeting, held from July 15 to 18, has laid out a blueprint for China’s stable development in the years to come, which, in turn, will create opportunities for the rest of the world.

Belarusian Ambassador to China Alexander Chervyakov said the resolution of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee provided a signal of continued stability and economic development in China – a crucial signal not only for China itself, but also for the world.

“China is one of the world’s largest powers in terms of purchasing power. Therefore, how China develops and in what direction it progresses are vital signals for the international community,” Chervyakov said.

He added that China’s leadership in the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, Global Civilization Initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative is very important.

Egyptian Ambassador to China Assem Hanafi said he was greatly impressed by China’s emphasis on institutional reform to promote its overall development.

“I believe these measures represent a continuation of the reform and opening-up policies first introduced in the 1970s in China, demonstrating both continuity and innovation,” he said.

Foreign envoys welcome new plenum draft