
Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Are Amoral – The American Spectator | US News & PoliticsThe American Spectator

Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Are Amoral – The American Spectator | US News & PoliticsThe American Spectator

MToday, anyone would consider the adjective “cynical politics” a pleonasm. We can look back with nostalgia on periods in history when statesmen rose above politics; when those who ran for office were not afraid to campaign and govern according to noble principles; when a candidate’s political career took second place while he stood up for what was right; when politicians valued morality over demagogy and the latest opinion polls.

Lest this seem too bleak, let us remember that history often moves like a pendulum. We can look forward with hope and optimism to a future where statesmen will come to their senses, instead of selling their souls to win. (READ MORE: Mr. Netanyahu goes to Washington and Mr. Biden comes to Jesus)

For now, however, we must consider the total amorality of the Democratic Party, which does not mean that there are no amoral individuals within the Republican Party. In a democratic system where presidents and legislators gain office by winning elections, the goal of winning becomes paramount. In fact, all other principles and values ​​take second place. Today’s Democrat has only one calculation: to win, no matter how many innocent people might be hurt.

Joe Biden hasn’t exactly approached politics with a moral compass

President Joe Biden epitomizes the amoral politician. Mediocre throughout his life, with limited abilities and questionable ethics (people who went to law school with him remember him as a dumb, plagiarizing intellectual), Biden learned the political game at a young age. Like others who lack the skills and talents that would make them stand out in the corporate world (think Bernie and AOC), Biden has found a lucrative career in politics by using what can only be described as “talent”—the ability to spout gibberish that tugs at voters’ sensitive nerves and exploits their ignorance, prejudices, and fears. Joe has learned the one essential political lesson: to follow the leftist crowd and pay attention to which way the wind is blowing in the polls.

Biden is a Catholic who found it expedient to reject his church’s teachings on abortion and align himself with politically powerful pro-abortion forces. He would publicly insult, bully, and humiliate judicial nominees in Senate confirmation hearings (Judge Robert Bork comes to mind) and then address the devastated family with a smile and a lame explanation: “Don’t take this personally; it’s just the way the game is played.” (READ MORE: Joe Biden’s Bloodless Coup Won’t Work Well for Democrats)

In his decades in the Senate, Joe Biden has never produced any meaningful legislation. He has simply bided his time, watched the polls, and gone with the flow. As president, his actions have shown us how dangerous a politician’s self-serving amorality can be.

The President’s Selfish Amorality Is Dangerous for Americans

Consider the incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan: American service members and many of America’s Afghan friends died simply because Joe wanted to score political points by announcing the withdrawal on September 11, 2021 — the 20th anniversary of 9/11 — an artificially rushed date that gave our forces no time to organize an orderly withdrawal.

Biden drastically reduced the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that we maintain to ensure our supply in case of emergency. Why? To lower gas prices and appease voters angry about rising gas prices. Winning votes for Democrats was more important to Joe than national security.

Biden treated the lives of US allies (the Israelis) and US friends (the Ukrainians) as valuables, pretending to tell these allies not to fight for victory. Why? Because he needed the votes of Americans who side with Hamas or want to appease Putin. (READ MORE: At the Glue Factory — Go!)

In a stunning example of poetic justice, the prime directive “win at all costs” has backfired on Biden. His fellow Democrats have turned against his reelection bid—not because they objected to his amoral policies, nor because they objected to a senile, half-coherent middle-aged man struggling with blatant senility if it advances their socialist agenda.

Once it became clear that Biden could not win the November election and that his candidacy would cost Democrats key seats in the House and Senate, it was only then that his fellow Democrats turned on him. They abandoned Biden like rats jumping from a sinking ship. The cold, amoral calculation of doing whatever it takes to win took hold, and Biden had to be dumped.

I had thought that Biden might use his recent COVID crisis as a face-saving way to exit the presidential race. Instead, Biden tried to sound like a statesman, solemnly declaring that he felt compelled to step aside for the sake of others. Alas, playing the statesman is an unfamiliar role for Biden. He is a partisan at heart, and so he announced that he was stepping aside for the sake of his party first and his country second. (His exact words were, “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country that I step aside…”)

Biden’s departure is not a victory for our country. His party will appoint someone equally amoral in his place.