
multithreading – What type of UML illustrates the *static* threading aspects of a multithreaded application?

multithreading – What type of UML illustrates the *static* threading aspects of a multithreaded application?

I am looking for the best suited UML diagram to illustrate the following elements static aspects of a multithreaded application:

  • display threads in the application; potentially grouped for threads belonging to certain “classes” such as worker threads
  • information about priorities (priority values ​​or relationships)
  • means of communication and synchronization between threads (e.g. message queue) and their roles

The “collaboration” diagram comes close, but I’m not really happy with this choice. For example, communication seems to focus on the type of data exchanged and the sequences of these exchanges (which in my opinion is more of a dynamic appearance).

What alternative would you recommend to me? Or should I rethink my understanding of collaboration diagrams?