
“AITA for asking my girlfriend to split the hotel cost after inviting her friends without telling me?”

“AITA for asking my girlfriend to split the hotel cost after inviting her friends without telling me?”

Imagine your ideal romantic getaway. You’re planning a weekend getaway with your partner to a picturesque location, with no other goal than to enjoy each other’s company.

Suddenly, their friends show up. You thought they were just passing by, but they’ve actually been following you the whole time. They even sleep in the same hotel room.

A Reddit user treated of this Exact situation with his girlfriend, who had invited friends over to the house during a beach trip he had planned for the two of them. His plans having been ruined, he asked his partner and her two friends to share the hotel costs with him.

He is now asking the AITAH subreddit whether his actions were unjustified.

Romantic getaways are important in a relationship

“AITA for asking my girlfriend to split the hotel cost after inviting her friends without telling me?”

Photo credits: Luis Zambrano (not the actual image)

A man planned a weekend at the beach alone with his girlfriend when she decided to invite two of her friends




Image credits: Wavebreakmedia (this is not the actual image)

The three women agreed to share the costs but also criticized the author




Photo credits: experiment_ad_4

The inability to set boundaries is common among many people.

The author appears to have difficulty setting boundaries, given the apparent lack of respect shown by his girlfriend and friends. Licensed Psychologist Karen Salerno stated it perfectly in an interview with Cleveland Clinic“It determines how you want to be treated.”

“It promotes physical and emotional well-being, and it respects your needs and the needs of the other person in a relationship,” she said.

However, this seems to be a recurring problem. According to recent statistics58% of Americans find it difficult to say no. At the same time, 63% of them consider themselves people-pleasers.

According to Salerno, some people fail to set boundaries and become easy to manage because they likely grew up in a home where their boundaries were not respected. Unfortunately, this can continue into adulthood.

Image credits: Ketut Subiyanto (not the actual image)

Setting boundaries starts with small steps.

If you’re not used to setting boundaries, change may require a gradual approach. Salerno recommends starting with small changes until you feel confident enough to adopt the behavior.

But to take this first step, one must also go all the way. Salerno insists on this point more than on any other.

“If you don’t act on them, it may be harder for others to trust your boundaries.”

The author should be commended for refusing to part ways, which he understood. We can only hope that this sent a strong message to his girlfriend and, at the very least, that she will think twice before doing the same thing again.

What do you think, dear readers? Was he out of step with his way of acting?

Image credits: Monstera Production (this is not the actual image)

Most people in the comments sided with him and criticized his girlfriend




















The article “AITA for asking my girlfriend to split hotel costs after inviting her friends without telling me?” appeared first on Bored Panda.