
6-year-old JB girl still traumatized after being kidnapped, 4 suspects released on bail – Mothership.SG

6-year-old JB girl still traumatized after being kidnapped, 4 suspects released on bail – Mothership.SG



Despite being reunited with her family on July 24, the six-year-old girl who went missing in Johor Bahru on July 20 does not want to be left alone.

Malaysian News Media The star It was reported that the girl was “clearly still traumatised” and had not yet fully spoken about the incident.

On July 20, the girl went missing after reportedly being separated from her family at a shopping mall in Johor Bahru.

His parents were booth operators at the Eco Galleria mall’s Bon Odori event, a Japanese summer festival.

The child was reportedly playing near the stand before his father noticed he was missing around 8:30 p.m.

On July 23, the girl was found safe and sound in Batang Kali, Selangor.

She was found at a budget hotel around 4am on July 23, 390km from Johor Bahru.

Physically not injured

According to the girl’s mother, she was not physically injured but her mental state was affected, said Ling Tian Soon, Johor MCA youth chief. The star.

Ling visited the girl’s family on July 25.

“Her mother told us that (the girl) would be fine at one moment, but the next moment she would suddenly feel scared.

The girl also told her mother not to leave her alone and that she wanted her mother to continue talking to her.

The star said the girl was constantly accompanied by her siblings and family members.

Ling said the girl also revealed that she was taken to several places before ending up at the budget hotel.

“She spoke about her experience in fragments when her mother questioned her, and has not yet fully opened up.

Her family doesn’t want to probe her too much so as not to make her react. Her mother also wants to give her space and time so that she can express herself slowly.

Four suspects released on bail by police

A total of five suspects have been arrested in connection with the case.

They are all Malaysians and have no family connection to the girl.

The girl’s family has also not received any ransom demands from the suspects.

According to The starFour suspects were released on bail by police on July 26.

Iskandar Puteri district police chief said the remand order against the four suspects, aged between 28 and 55, had not been extended after it ended on July 26.

Photo by ART_of_ROSH on Unsplash