
Globalists and Anti-Israel Leftists Play Major Role Against Former Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus Chair | The Gateway Pundit

Globalists and Anti-Israel Leftists Play Major Role Against Former Pennsylvania Freedom Caucus Chair | The Gateway Pundit

Jannele Stelson, a journalist in the mainstream media for decades, will face Brigadier General and top Trump ally Congressman Scott Perry this November in Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District.

Perry recently sponsored the “Anti-Propaganda Act,” which aims to defund the taxpayer-funded left-wing media outlet known as the Center For Public Broadcasting and denounced the former Secret Service director who failed to protect President Donald J. Trump during the failed assassination attempt at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, just weeks ago.

They Wanted Him Dead: Rep. Scott Perry Asks Director Cheatle About Size of Petite Women Protecting President Trump — and She Has No Answer

Rep. Perry also fought against billions of dollars going to fund the war in Ukraine and Co-sponsor of the “Defund Davos Act”, which would prevent the US government from using taxpayer money to support the World Economic Forum.

Today, the GP learned that a vast network of hedge fund executives, radical environmentalists, globalist-linked organizations, and anti-Israel operatives spent months funding hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct spending and outside contributions to his opponent Jenelle Stelson.

While none of this should surprise our readers, swing voters in the district have been misled into thinking that Stelson’s beliefs are somehow moderate, which could be the deciding factor in this all-important swing district.

And in a tactic adopted by the modern Democratic Party, Stelson is trying to manipulate Pennsylvania voters by characterizing Perry, a brigadier general and civil servant who has served his nation for more than 40 years, as someone who is “too radical,” “extreme,” and has even suggested that he is “a traitor.”

Of course, as usual, all of the things that Democrats and the media accuse President Trump and anyone who stands in their way of doing are actually things that they themselves do on a daily basis.

Congressman Perry hit the nail on the head during a recent interview on Fox Business.

Here are the facts…


Stelson has regularly referred to Rep. Perry as “Putin’s favorite congressman” and accused him of “weakening democracy, weakening America, and spreading Russian propaganda.” All of these narratives are fabricated and false, all propagated by his colleagues in the mainstream media.

Stelson made it clear from the beginning of his campaign that attacking Congressman Perry was his mission, another example of leftists like Stelson saying out loud what they say in silence, never expecting consequences.


According to a report posted on Substack by District 10 resident Bobby Jeffries, Stelson is overwhelmed with direct and outside funding from globalist corporate interests that represent anything but America as we know it.

The Welcome PAC is spending huge amounts of money to attack Congressman Perry on behalf of Stelson and is funded by a veritable ““Who’s who” of the globalist elites.

One of the PAC’s major donors is LinkedIn co-founder and major Democratic donor Reid Hoffman. Since 2011, Hoffman has been a member of the infamous Bilderberg meeting, an annual conference of about 150 business leaders, politicians, and philanthropists who advocate for neoliberal globalist policy goals.

Other notable contributors include James and Kathryn Murdoch, the left-wing descendants and brothers-in-law of Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp and Fox News. According to FEC filings, the Murdochs donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Joe Biden’s 2020 victory fund and $11 million to various political causes, including $2.57 million directly to Democrats. Murdoch’s Quadrivium Foundation gave $38 million to election-related groups, some opposed to voting restrictions, and $25 million to center-left organizations like the Environmental Defense Fund.

Quadrivium has partnered with the Center for New American Security, a think tank comprised of globalist neoconservatives and neoliberals from the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, to counter so-called “high-tech illiberalism.” In 2021, Quadrivium was one of ten groups to invest $250 million in BlackRock, Inc., to fund “green energy infrastructure.”

Nick Kukrika of Generation Investment Management and Global Strategy Group is an individual backer of Stelson. Al Gore, a former U.S. vice president and WEF board member, and David Blood, head of asset management at Goldman Sachs, co-founded GIV, which advocates for environmental and social governance (ESG).

Another individual donor to Stelson is Seth Klarman of the Baupost Group, a Boston-based firm that manages 11 hedge funds and more than $30.21 billion. The prominent investor also runs the Klarman Family Foundation, which advocates for many left-wing political causes and has provided funding to the Mission Asset Fund to support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants temporary legal status to illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children. The foundation also supports critical race theory and has influenced the concept of equity.

GP also found that a partner at a New York-based law firm representing BlackRock in a $2.5 billion deal with Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, BofA Securities and Wells Fargo Securities acting as underwriters made maximum donations to Stelson’s congressional bid, according to FEC filings.


Even amid the wave of violence from pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests we’ve seen in recent days (it’s been going on for a while, but has intensified tenfold with Israel-hatred toward members of Congress like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar amplifying the vitriol), Janelle Stelson has remained silent.

Without irony, she called Congressman Perry an anti-Semite, with no basis in reality or fact, while soliciting campaign donations through ACT Blue, which has verifiable ties to anti-Semitic movements.

Congressman Perry recently praised Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before the US Congress.

Janelle Stelson solicits political donations through ActBlue, an online platform that was caught facilitating payments to the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).

According to the Zachor Legal Institute, a think tank and advocacy organization that combats anti-Semitism:

PACBI is “a hate group controlled by a coalition of organizations that the United States and other countries have designated as foreign terrorist organizations.”

Via Free Beacon

Marc Greendorfer, attorney and founder of the Zachor Legal Institute, pointed out the obvious in a recent article:

“ActBlue’s partnership with PACBI is another example of the growing footprint of the BDS movement within the Democratic Party and the liberal organizations that support it.”

“It’s very concerning that they seem comfortable with helping fund terrorist groups, even though it exposes them to significant liability for violating federal laws,” Greendorfer said.

Via Free Beacon

Stelson even went on the Howard Stern Show once, claiming that Asians like to eat cat tacos. Ouch!

Pennsylvania voters will likely learn a lot more about Ms. Stelson in the coming months as they consider how to vote in Pennsylvania’s 10th District.

Hopefully they will look for information outside of the mainstream media lies before they get fooled again.