
Tattoos as a way to combat insecurities and cover up scars

Tattoos as a way to combat insecurities and cover up scars

Sarah Mead Photography Mandy Nicholson looks out over a lake at sunset. She has a shaved head and a dandelion tattoo above her left ear.Photography by Sarah Mead

More and more people are turning to ‘ink therapy’ to overcome body image issues

Tattoos have been a staple of human culture for thousands of years, but their popularity has skyrocketed in recent decades.

The stereotypes that tattoos are reserved for “tattooed criminals” and “unemployed people” have gradually become obsolete as body art becomes more mainstream, with everyone from professionals to celebrities proudly displaying their creations.

But despite their prevalence, tattoos are not limited to the skin. They often provide a glimpse into the psyche of the wearer.

It has become increasingly common for people to “reclaim” their bodies and overcome insecurities, trauma or negative body image by transforming their skin into a work of art.

Warning: This feature contains potentially disturbing images.

“I felt like a monster”

In 2015, Mandy Nicholson, 57, was diagnosed with cicatricial alopecia.

Also called cicatricial alopecia, this condition causes permanent hair loss after the immune system attacks and destroys the follicles.

“As a woman you take great pride in your hair,” said Ms Nicholson, who lives in West Coker, Somerset.

Mandy Nicholson The side of Mandy Nicholson's head with a large bald area just above her ear down to her center partMandy Nicholson

Ms Nicholson said she felt “embarrassed, scared and embarrassed” when she started losing her hair.

“That’s what women are supposed to look like. They’re supposed to fit into that box with long, beautiful hair, but I don’t.”

Ms Nicholson said she had long felt “trapped” by the pressure of having to wear a scarf to cover her bald spots, or never leaving the house without make-up after her eyebrows started to fall out.

In 2021, Ms Nicholson decided to “take back control” by getting a dandelion clock tattoo where her alopecia started – to represent her hair “flying away”.

“I can’t control what happened to my hair, it’s gone and will never come back,” Ms Nicholson said.

Photograph by Sarah Mead A close up of Mandy Nicholson's shaved head with small tufts of hair growing out and she has a dandelion tattoo just above her ear with a few seeds flying awayPhotography by Sarah Mead

Ms Nicholson says since getting the tattoo her confidence has “skyrocketed” with strangers coming up to her to compliment her tattoo.

“It took me a long time to accept it, I was distraught. But then I realized there was nothing I could do about it, so I might as well accept it.”

Ms Nicholson says the tattoo helped her “redefine femininity” by giving her a sense of bravery, boldness and resilience.

She said: “I’m a woman, why can’t I look the way I want? Why should I fit into a box of what people think I should look like?

“Now I proudly raise my head. My tattoo has given me back my freedom.”

Harrison Stanford Loiz leaves a client's arm and tattoos. She has brown hair tied half up, wears black latex gloves and holds a tattoo gunHarrison Stanford

Ms. Dominguez says that “helping people regain their self-confidence is very rewarding.”

Löiz Machado Gias Dominguez, a tattoo artist at No Regrets studio in Bristol, has seen many clients come to her looking to regain their confidence.

“Whenever people come in feeling insecure, they usually cover up, even if it’s hot outside,” she said.

“But once the tattoo is done, you can see on their face that you have completely changed their life.

“They can’t wait to show it, they’re so proud of it. Some of my clients have hugged me and cried. I feel so privileged to be a part of this process.”

Löiz Dominguez Close-up of a black ink tattoo of an anime character. Self-inflicted scars are visible beneath the design Loiz Dominguez

Ms. Dominguez covered many of her scars with elaborate tattoo designs.

The artist, who has been tattooing for eight years, says getting a tattoo is “more than just an accessory.”

“It’s like you suddenly have the choice to show who you really are or who you want to be,” she said.

When tattooing over a burn or scar, Dominguez advises checking with your doctor first to ensure the condition of the skin is not compromised or the needle may reopen healing tissue.

“Ink Therapy”

But rushing into getting a tattoo if you’re unhappy with a part of your body isn’t a recommended way to deal with self-esteem issues in the long term.

Aleksandra Pamphlett, a psychotherapist specializing in body image, says that while tattoos can be used as a powerful tool to mark milestones in the “self-healing journey,” they should not become an avoidance strategy.

“It’s not just a physical issue, it’s also a psychological issue,” she says.

“If you don’t like your scars or stretch marks, there is a subconscious reason why you can’t accept them.

“People see a huge imperfection in their eyes and they feel the need to hide it.

“You’re holding trauma in that scar, and covering it up won’t make it go away.”

Agata Piatkowska Aleksandra Pamplett sitting with her arms crossed over a book on her lap. She is blonde and wears a white blouse and blue jeans.Agata Piatkowska

Aleksandra Pamphlett says tattoos can help people mark milestones in their ‘self-healing journey’

However, Ms Pamplett says she has seen many clients use tattoos as a way to “take back power” after struggling with chronic illness, mental health issues or trauma in their past.

“It’s very often these invisible scars,” she said.

“I’ve seen women who decided to get tattoos after being mistreated or assaulted, to feel like they can take back their body, own it, it’s their choice, they have control.”

Another of her clients covered a large, discoloured scar on her neck after a skin graft to feel “less exposed”.

“After she got the tattoo, she didn’t care if people looked at her anymore,” Pamphlett said.

“She was perfectly comfortable drawing attention to herself because it was on her terms.”

Kieran Moulton is wearing a blue collared shirt and is standing against a white wall. He has long brown hair and a mustache.

Kieran Moulton’s research focuses on self-inflicted scars, burns, accidents, childhood injuries and surgical scars.

Kieran Moulton, a PhD student at the University of the West of England, has conducted extensive research into tattooing as a method of “camouflaging or decorating” scars.

He said one man, who was left with scars after accidentally putting his hand through a window, had shards of glass tattooed around the scar to represent the cause of the impact.

“Most of the time, the appearance of a scar can be something that is completely out of your control,” Moulton said.

“So you almost tattooed it to make it your own, to take back that part of your body.”

A close-up image of a man's wrist with discolored glass shards tattooed around a faint horizontal scar

The tattooed glass shards tell the story of how the scar was achieved

Although Mr Moulton’s studies focused on people who chose to tattoo their scars, he added that “there were just as many people who loved their scars” and “wouldn’t change them for the world”.

“As much as our stories are told through our tattoos, they are also told through our scars,” Moulton continued.

“They are part of our history, our identity and, in a way, they represent us as much as a meaningful tattoo would.”

If you are affected by any of these issues, please contact the Samaritans on their free helpline 116 123, or visit website.