
Trump uses old tactic to sow suspicion toward Harris

Trump uses old tactic to sow suspicion toward Harris

Trump uses old tactic to sow suspicion toward Harris

New York Times: “It’s a tactic that has long been part of the underbelly of American politics: portraying an opponent as somehow ‘other’ or ‘not one of us’ – someone who can’t be trusted or can’t really be trusted.”

“But while this theme has been a recurring theme in American campaigns for at least a century, Mr. Trump has taken it to a new level, historians and analysts said. What has often been a subtext or whisper campaign by representatives is, in Mr. Trump’s hands, a central message of his campaign — projected on screens at a rally, promoted on social media and reinforced by his running mate.”

“Mr. Trump personally ran this campaign, explicitly falsifying his opponent’s biography and invoking race and gender in ways that no modern major party leader has ever done before.”