
Obscure Sci-Fi Robots | Hackaday

Obscure Sci-Fi Robots |  Hackaday

Obscure Sci-Fi Robots |  Hackaday

Even if you don’t like building replicas of movie robots, you can often get inspiration from the movies. Everyone knows Robby the Robot, Gort, and R2D2. But (Atomic Snack Bar) treats us to some lesser-known robots from movies from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s. While we’re pretty well-versed in the movies, we have to admit that the video, which you can watch below, has a few we didn’t know about.

The robots are mostly humanoid. The vampire comedy of the 1950s could have inspired Robby, who appears four years later. The exception that proves the rule is the Twonky who was a television transformed into a robot and became a mind controller.

Kronos wasn’t exactly humanoid but still had a human silhouette. It turns out that Kronos has a direct connection to Robby, even if he wasn’t as famous.

A 1939 film featured a mad scientist with “the robot,” a sort of cross between Robby and a Halloween mask. There was also the water heater robot that appeared in many Republic films, including Commander Cody, where we remember him.

We’d love to see some replicas of these old robots, especially since the originals sell for a fortune. Or maybe try a replica of a movie computer.