
I’m Still Powerlifting At 35 Weeks Pregnant And Will Be Training Until I Give Birth, Fans Say My Post-Baby Fit Will Be Crazy

I’m Still Powerlifting At 35 Weeks Pregnant And Will Be Training Until I Give Birth, Fans Say My Post-Baby Fit Will Be Crazy

A POWERLIFTER has explained why she continues to lift weights even though she is 35 weeks pregnant.

Olivia Enriquez, 25, decided to continue going to the gym despite her pregnancy.

I’m Still Powerlifting At 35 Weeks Pregnant And Will Be Training Until I Give Birth, Fans Say My Post-Baby Fit Will Be CrazyWeightlifter Olivia Enriquez Plans to Stay Physically Active During PregnancyCaters

She says she has continued to lift weights safely to maintain her fitness and hopes to retain as much strength as possible.

The gym enthusiast worked out, with adjustments, throughout her pregnancy and loved being able to maintain her fitness lifestyle.

Olivia, from Houston, Texas, explained that she refuses to let work affect her physical health.

“I maintain as much muscle and strength as possible!” she said.

“I plan to continue lifting weights throughout my pregnancy, making adjustments as needed.

“Overall, I think lifting weights has helped reduce my aches and pains and I hope it will help me postpartum as well.”

Olivia shared videos of herself working out on TikTok, and viewers were shocked by her determination and perseverance.

One person joked that losing weight, or “cutting,” would have different consequences after pregnancy.

“The cup is going to go crazy after this baby!” they said.

“Wow!” said another.

“You look amazing! …And strong as hell!!,” added a third.

Health professionals have revealed that physical exercises during pregnancy can continue under medical supervision.

“I always recommend that any pregnant woman, particularly those doing high-intensity activities such as weightlifting, have a thorough GP consultation,” said Dr Lawrence Cunningham of UK Care Guide.

“This includes ongoing monitoring of their health and that of their fetus, as well as adjustments to their routine as the pregnancy progresses.”

The mom-to-be explained that she plans to keep her muscles in shapeCaters

Cunningham added that mothers should exercise caution when doing strenuous and demanding activities.

“It is essential to listen to the body’s signals and reduce the intensity when necessary,” he said.

“Additionally, maintaining proper form and technique becomes even more crucial to avoid injury.

“Safety will depend heavily on the person’s fitness level prior to pregnancy, their weightlifting experience, and their health during pregnancy.”

“I have seen cases where professional athletes have managed to maintain a high level of activity throughout their pregnancy without any adverse effects.

“However, this should not be taken as the norm and should certainly not be taken as a blanket endorsement for all pregnant people.

“The critical factor will always be the body’s response during pregnancy, which obviously varies considerably from person to person.”

A doctor added that with caution, exercise can continue during pregnancy.