
As A Father, Elon Musk Is “Daddy Dearest”

As A Father, Elon Musk Is “Daddy Dearest”

As A Father, Elon Musk Is “Daddy Dearest”

Every family has a designated weirdo and that was me.

But no matter how much of a knucklehead I was during my difficult teenage years, my family always supported me even though I knew they didn’t always understand where I was coming from. They always had my back, and I loved them for that.

I was hurt. However, some people aren’t so lucky. If the appropriate boxes aren’t checked off, they won’t get a helping hand but a slap in the face, and it hurts more when it’s coming from someone who says they love you.

To contrast and compare, let’s look at Elon Musk, the techbro zillionaire who can’t buy a clue.

Elon Musk contains multitudes. Unfortunately, they’re all bad.

Musk is a monstrous human being. As a dysfunctional parental unit, he’s a monster. Musk sees his children either as disposable props or punching bags.

In a recent interview with fellow nutjob Jordan Peterson, Musk babbled (again) about the infamous “mind woke virus” and how it “stole my son from me”.

Vivian Jenna Wilson pushed back against Musk’s nonsense. Hard.

“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” she told NBC News in an interview published July 25. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.”

Wilson—whom Musk shares with ex-wife Justine Wilson—clapped back by saying she is entitled to make her own decisions when it comes to her identity and health.

“I would like to emphasize one thing: I am an adult. I am 20 years old. I am not a child,” she said. “My life should be defined by my own choices.”

Wilson—who filed to change her name when she was 18—also detailed her estranged relationship with Musk, which she said began long before she came out as trans at age 16.

Calling Musk “cold” and “quick to anger” during his childhood, Wilson alleged he was only present about 10 percent of the time.

“He is uncaring and narcissistic,” she said, recalling one “cruel” incident in fourth grade during which he allegedly berated her vocal tone. “He was constantly yelling at me viciously because my voice was too high.”

It’s difficult, awkward, and confusing to transition from being a child to a young adult, and the arguments that erupted at home usually resulted from me trying to figure things out and my parents trying to figure me out. But despite all of the generational drama, I knew that they loved me, and the invaluable support of my family throughout the years was the solid bedrock that helped me navigate the turbulent waters of my teenage years.

And no matter how bad it got at times, my mother and father never acted like they were ashamed of me. My mother and father never did to me what Musk did to his daughter.

There’s a line from a Law and Order episode that spills the tea about men like Musk:

“He wasn’t a father,” Jack McCoy said. “He just happened to be in the room when the child was conceived.”

I bet Ms. Wilson wishes Tim Walz was her Dad.

The post As A Father, Elon Musk Is “Daddy Dearest” appeared first on Balloon Juice.