
Salvini: “Will opposition to illegal immigration also be declared a crime of opinion?”

Salvini: “Will opposition to illegal immigration also be declared a crime of opinion?”

Written by Paul Joseph Watson via,

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini has spoken out about the dire state of free speech in the UK, asking how long it will be before opposition to illegal immigration also becomes a thought crime.

In the aftermath of the riots in the UK, dozens, if not hundreds, of people were arrested for posting comments on social media about the unrest.

In some cases, these included violent threats or incitement to violence against others.

However, other examples are patently ridiculous, including that of a man who was sentenced to two months in prison for a Facebook post saying “Coming soon to a city near you” alongside an image of Muslim men.

Salvini criticised Prime Minister Keir Starmer for exploiting the riots to launch a draconian crackdown on free speech.

“The fact that the new British left-wing government is persecuting citizens for one job or another seems really worrying to me,” the Italian politician said.

“Are blocking illegal immigration, defending the family and fighting Islamic fanaticism illegal thoughts that deserve punishment?” he asked.

As we have previously highlighted, Britons are being threatened with police house searches and arrest simply for retweeting messages about the riots.

And in a further escalation of brazen authoritarianism, people who merely “observe” a riot without taking part have also been warned that they will be arrested and charged.

The UK has entered a dark new era that could result in a ban on opposition to Islamism and mass immigration.

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