
Man Gets Revenge For Cheating On His Dad By Giving His New Son The Noisiest Toy

Man Gets Revenge For Cheating On His Dad By Giving His New Son The Noisiest Toy

Families are often complicated. You might end up with more than two adults you consider parents and siblings you have no blood relationship with. But as long as they love you and treat you well, you can absolutely call them family.

And if you don’t have good relationships with your loved ones, you can always try to take revenge on them. One man recently common a story on Reddit detailing how he attempted to get revenge on his father for making questionable decisions in the past. However, his plan ended up taking an unexpected and salutary turn. Below you’ll find the full story, as well as a conversation with the author and some of the responses he received from amused readers!

This man’s father didn’t pay much attention to him when he was a child.

Image credits: Prostock-studio / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)

So he decided to give his little brother a gift that would be impossible to ignore.






Later, the man shared an update on what happened at the birthday party



Image credits: crystalsing / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)




Photo credits: EpicChurro

“I feel there is a strong bond between us”

Image credits: amazingmikael / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)

To learn more about this situation, we contacted the author, a Reddit user Epic Churrowho was kind enough to chat with Bored Panda. First, we wanted to know what prompted him to tell this story online.

“I thought it would be interesting to hear from other users, and I love how it turned into a story-sharing session where everyone talks about their experiences with being offered noisy toys,” he shared. “Plus, I had a few beers that night, which really helped when writing the article!”

We were also curious about the OP’s relationship with his brother. “Even though I don’t visit him as often as I’d like, I feel like there’s a strong bond between them. It’s kind of that feeling where he looks at me in the face and he seems comforted, like I’m someone he’s known for a long time,” he says.

He also pointed out that having a little brother has also improved his relationship with his father. “I always wanted a brother, so I tried to support him as much as possible when they announced the pregnancy.”

EpicChurro also thinks his father and stepmother appreciated the birthday gift he brought them. “They are musicians after all!”

Finally, we asked the author what he thought of the response to his article and if he had any plans for future giveaways. “No plans at this time, and I really enjoyed reading the responses. The response has been generally positive, and I’m grateful for that.”

Children need lots of love and affection

Image credits: variesapigu / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)

To be a mother It’s certainly not easy, and there are probably a million things going on in every mom and dad’s head at any given moment. But even though it’s tough to balance all of your responsibilities, it’s important to remember that your kids should be your first priority.

And that doesn’t just mean providing them with food and shelter. Children also need love, affection, and quality time with their parents in abundance. Private therapy clinicGrowing up with emotionally unavailable parents can have huge consequences on children.

It could be a mother or father who doesn’t listen, doesn’t ask questions about their children’s lives, doesn’t validate or celebrate their children’s accomplishments, isn’t willing to participate in activities with their children, never gives compliments, doesn’t spend much time with their children, doesn’t show affection, doesn’t express love, and prioritizes their own happiness over that of their children.

The consequences of being raised by such a parent can begin at a young age and have long-term consequences. Having an emotionally unavailable mother or father can lead to dysfunctional relationships as the child grows up and create a fear of abandonment in romantic relationships.

The effects of feeling ignored or unloved during childhood can continue into adulthood.

Image credits: irinapavlova1 / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)

Sometimes, lack of affection in childhood can even lead to selfish behavior later on, because that’s what the person saw modeled by mom and dad. Feeling unloved can lead to substance abuse issues or a lack of identity and direction. It can even cause people to lose hope, faith, and joy, Private Therapy Clinic explains.

In fact, from early childhood, we can see the consequences that lack of affection causes. A study found that not receiving enough attention at a young age made a child more likely to have poor executive functions and self-regulation, Family education reports.

Even teenagers need a lot of affection and love from their parents, otherwise they may start developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Teens who don’t have a strong and loving support system are also more likely to participate in group activities. risky behaviors such as experimenting with drugs and alcohol or having unprotected sex.

While there is no way to go back and force mom and dad to give you more attention as a child, PsychCentral According to Dr. KK Klang, there are a few steps we can take as adults to try to heal from this trauma. First, they recommend learning to recognize triggers. It can also be helpful to practice inner child work.

It takes work to heal from the lack of affection received in childhood.

Image credits: peus80 / envatoelements (this is not the actual photo)

Take time to take care of yourself and show yourself lots of love too. And don’t be afraid to set boundaries, with your family or anyone else in your life. Learn from your past and decide what you would like to do differently in your life, so that history doesn’t repeat itself.

And reframe internalized beliefs you’ve been holding onto since childhood. For example, if you think, “I’m an unloved child,” tell yourself that you deserve to be loved as an adult instead, recommends Psych Central. Work on building community and connecting with others who have had similar experiences so you don’t feel alone. And be kind and patient with yourself as you work through your healing journey.

Relationships with parents are often complex and rarely perfect. But we must not let the pain that Mom and Dad caused us when we were young haunt us for the rest of our lives.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’d like to read another Bored Panda article about getting a little revenge on a parent, look no further than right here!

Readers were quick to chime in with even more sneaky gift suggestions for the brother.





















Many were amused by the story




And some have even shared their own similar experiences





The article Man Gets Revenge For Cheating On His Dad By Giving His New Child The Noisiest Toy appeared first on Bored Panda.