
Turns out Trump’s mess wasn’t a glitch in the system

Turns out Trump’s mess wasn’t a glitch in the system

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So, does anyone remember what happened a month ago with former President Donald Trump? When his ear looked like Van Gogh’s? Funny how it’s all starting to blur. The story, not the ear. Thanks to our ever-curious media, it’s now fading like Joe Biden’s memories of today’s breakfast. But could this horrific event be part of a larger problem? Could it be that there’s a shift in modern life where norms of behavior and competence have been disrupted by the very questioning of norms and standards themselves?

You can see it and feel it in stores, in customer service, in doctors’ offices, or just on the street. In pharmacies, you now have to call someone to get deodorant. You’re asked for advice on a screen after you’ve helped yourself. The illegal immigrant who punched a police officer is free to commit another crime. Protesters destroy public and private property and all charges are dropped. Teachers tear down maps of the world and fly pride flags. And free speech is oppressive, but threats on the subway are not. It’s like we’ve replaced the foundation of our country with quicksand. The idea that meritocracy is oppressive has finally achieved its dream. We are all equally incompetent now. Sure, DEI advocates love to praise it until the results come in.

Meanwhile, we forgo experience and training because we view older generations as oppressive and irrelevant. Add to that the ubiquity of smartphones, and you have a workforce too distracted to care. Hell, even I check Facebook when Judge Jeanine starts ranting about how we’re not executing enough teenagers. Which brings me back to the Secret Service. It turns out that Trump’s mess wasn’t a glitch in the system. It is the system. A new report from RealClearPolitics reporter Susan Crabtree cites sources inside the service who say the agency has suffered more lapses than Kat’s car insurance.

Secret Service failure at Trump rally exposes cultural rot, personnel problems

First, two Secret Service agents were recently photographed sleeping while on duty at Mar-a-Lago, and instead of waking them up, the photos were shared with others in the service. The sleepers were never punished, but everyone had a good laugh. In 2019, two Chinese nationals simply wandered onto the grounds of Trump’s Florida home, perhaps thinking it was Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Worse, the Secret Service can’t even protect itself. Two months ago, a man in shorts and a t-shirt walked through an open door into the Miami field office and spent the night. He first took a shower, then downloaded porn onto a computer. This is weird. I usually do these two things backwards. Do you?

The next morning he asked the employees where he could get coffee, and they brought him some. Boy, I don’t get treated that well at Starbucks, and I own Starbucks. He only got arrested when he walked into a defensive tactics class, and someone finally asked who he was, which is like Brian Kilmeade at a book signing. Now, look, no agency is perfect, but when a clown can walk into a classified facility, watch porn, shower, spend the night, eat breakfast, and then attend a tactical training session, is it any wonder some psycho can ride in on a bike and shoot Trump? Best Buy has better security, but there’s more.


Last April, a drunken neighbor broke into National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s home. He probably fled when he saw Sullivan. Looks like the guy escaped an autopsy. Sullivan now has intelligence, but somehow a drunk managed to get past that squad of security professionals and confront Sullivan at his home in the middle of the night. Who was on duty that night? Paul Blart? Two intruders recently breached the security at Obama’s Hawaii home. There were no guard dogs, except on the menu. And when Barack Obama was president, an intruder jumped the White House fence and got inside.

So forget the conspiracy theories, unless it’s a conspiracy of decline, and they’re everywhere. Real nepotism and DEI hiring have real-world consequences, but the old-fashioned notion of meritocracy seems a long way off. As we wake up to cities in decline, schools that indoctrinate but don’t educate, and law enforcement more handcuffed than criminals.


It’s not just the Secret Service. It’s society. We didn’t just break a few eggs to make an omelet. We broke the pan that made the damn omelet. The Secret Service’s mistakes seem to be the result of a distracted generation, without ties, direction or discipline. This is not the America it used to be. This is not the America that won two world wars or even the Cold War. Today, we couldn’t win the war against gingivitis.