
Kamala Harris’ Magical Media Makeover

Kamala Harris’ Magical Media Makeover

Kamala Harris is a disgrace. After a disastrous presidential campaign in which she failed to win a single primary, the U.S. senator from California was placed on the Biden ticket to satisfy the demographic demands of progressive ideology. Harris was supposed to be the heir to whom an aging Joe Biden would pass the torch. Once in office, however, it became clear why she had failed as a presidential candidate. The vice president was quickly relegated to the background, until Biden’s disastrous debate performance made it clear that the press could no longer cover for his senile figurehead.

The media has now relaunched Harris as a charismatic social media icon, and the odd thing is that many conservatives seem to have fallen for the propaganda.

Harris’s transformation is an entirely artificial construction, and the facade will crack shortly.

During the 2020 election campaign, as the media colluded with the managerial state to create the illusion of a world-ending epidemic, Joe Biden was presented as a harmless replacement who would mark a return to “normalcy.” The election of Donald Trump sent leaders of both parties into a psychological spiral, and the ruling class decided to inflict this mental anguish on the public.

President Trump has proven himself capable of avoiding external conflict, reducing the flow of illegal immigration, and running a thriving economy, but the media’s obsession with the Russia collusion conspiracy theory has made every moment an uphill battle. The successive blows of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter riots gave progressives the narrative momentum and electoral irregularities needed to unseat Trump, but they needed a bland alternative to which the terrorized electorate could safely turn.

Even left-wing media commentators acknowledged that while old Joe was harmless enough to get the job done, he was too male and too white to represent the future of the Democratic Party. Harris wasn’t very good at campaigning, but she was a woman of Jamaican and Indian descent who was just as empty as Biden. She also had the advantage of not being in the grip of dementia.

All the prejudices in the world

Biden presented himself as a transitional president, and it was clear that the plan was to hand the keys to the kingdom to Harris after just one term. But every time Harris spoke, it became clear that she was an unlikable idiot who often had trouble attending even minor events without making an embarrassing gaffe. The establishment realized it had made a mistake in putting her first, refocused its efforts on Biden, and moved on.

After Biden made clear that he intended to run for a second term, rumblings of discontent spread through the media. Journalists who had shamelessly covered a man in obvious mental decline began to express concern about the illnesses they had previously tried to cover up. While some sectors of the press continued to defend Biden’s cognitive abilities, the president’s collapse in his first and only debate with Trump made clear that even the most biased coverage would not be enough to push him across the finish line.

Harris remained a disastrous candidate, which is why some party leaders, like Barack Obama, called for an open primary. But the identity politics that progressives revere also tied their hands. The left simply couldn’t justify passing up a black woman to put Gavin Newsom on the ticket while lecturing the country about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. So Democrats took the bull by the horns and crowned a candidate who had never received a single primary vote.

How do you sell a DEI candidate with the charisma of a block of wood who is functionally the incumbent? The answer is you lie. A lot.

In 2020, the media implemented a strategy that allowed Joe Biden to run his campaign from his basement to hide his shortcomings. A similar plan appears to be in place for Harris in 2024. Because Harris was relegated to the background for most of Biden’s term, she fell into oblivion, allowing journalists to rewrite her public persona once she was anointed as his successor.

When it comes to politics, Harris is a blank slate. Like Biden, the vice president is mostly a representative of the elite’s dominant opinion, with no real prerogatives. She is exactly the kind of candidate our managerial elites prefer—a puppet they can parade in front of the public but who is unlikely to disrupt the grand scheme with her own ambitions. The real campaign was never Trump versus Biden, just as it will not be Trump versus Harris. The real campaign will always be Trump versus the regime. Which is why a shift in dynamics seems to have occurred once Harris became the de facto nominee. The anti-Trump energy of the entire progressive media complex was suddenly transferred to her new, more diverse avatar.

Always the same terrible candidate

In a normal universe, surviving an assassination attempt with iconic courage would garner a few favorable media cycles. Yet in the United States, the comically biased media has tried to gloss over Trump’s incredible moment while presenting Kamala Harris as a social media sensation. Unfortunately, that’s the reality we’re facing.

Harris remains boring, unlikeable, and incompetent. As a result, her campaign strategy has been to keep her hidden as much as possible, exposing her only in the most controlled environments when necessary. We’ve seen plenty of clumsily staged video calls and free concerts disguised as political rallies, but little to no questioning from the press.

Mainstream journalists virtually gave their lives to get Harris elected. Yet even with this incredible bias, unplanned public exposure is still considered too dangerous.

When Harris speaks, she seems determined to go against her own record. The media has clumsily tried to lie that the only real piece of administration policy Harris had authority over was the southern border. In 2021, after NBC’s Lester Holt pointed out that Harris had never visited the border she was responsible for, she famously responded: “And I haven’t been to Europe. And I mean, I don’t understand what you mean. I don’t underestimate the importance of the border.”

Progressive journalists are working to erase this moment from the nation’s collective memory, even as the vice president campaigns on taming a border she didn’t bother to visit during her term. Harris has also promised to tackle inflation and housing costs, even though these were crucial issues that were not addressed at all during Biden’s term. This strategy of presenting himself as a reformist candidate while in office can only be deployed by a politician who expects slavish devotion from the entire mainstream press.

The mainstream media is hell-bent on defeating Trump and installing whoever the Democrats oppose him in power. Most conservatives will agree with this, but it doesn’t seem to be stopping the demoralization of many on the right. There is no reason to buy into the narrative of a media that has lied to the public at every opportunity in a cynical attempt to expand the power of the left.

This does not mean that the election should be taken lightly – the regime will do everything it can to defeat Trump and install Harris – but no one should be seduced by the hype. The Harris reshuffle is an entirely artificial construct, and the façade will crack before long.